Swaziland's Alien Plants Database
Achyranthes aspera L. var. aspera |
(Achyranthes aspera) |
devils horsewhip, rough chaff flower |
Invasive, Minor problem species |
Origin: Obscure -possibly Africa, now pantropical |
Growth Form: Herb |
Plant Description: Plant: Erect to sprawling, pubescent, sub-woody perennial up to 2 m high, with striate branches and a long tap root.
Leaves: Dark green above, paler below, broadly elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, up to 80 mm x 50 mm, densely to sparsely pubescent, veins prominent below.
Flowers: Greenish-white, small, deflexed when mature, in terminal pinkish spikes up to 250 mm long; outer floral segments (perianth) are sharp-pointed, December–April.
Fruit: Straw-coloured, surrounded by the spiky perianth, about 5 mm long; pointed downwards and pressed against the flowering stalk; seeds brown, shiny, 3 mm long. |
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