Swaziland's Alien Plants Database

Acacia decurrens (J.C.Wendl.) Willd.
green wattle, early black wattle, black wattle
Highly Invasive, Major problem species
Origin: South East Australia
Growth Form: Tree
Plant Description: Plant: Unarmed, evergreen tree 5–10(–15) m high; devoid of hairs or powdery bloom; branchlets prominently angled with wing-like ridges. Leaves: Bright green, glabrous, bipinnate, feathery; leaflets long (6–15 mm) and slender; a single raised gland occurs at each junction of pinnae pairs. Flowers: Bright yellow, globular flowerheads in large, showy, fragrant sprays, July–August. Fruit: Dark brown pods, glabrous, slightly constricted.
Key Features:
Control: combination of chemical, mechanical and management techniques
More information:
Weeds & Invasive Plants Home Page

Photo - leaves

K Braun, Swaziland's Alien Plants Database

Photo - flowers/leaves

Fagg, M. © Australian National Botanic Gardens

Photo - tree

Unknown photographer © Australian National Botanic Gardens

Photo - flowers/leaves

The Weeds Society of Western Australia

Photo - bark

K Braun, Swaziland's Alien Plants Database

Photo - tree

K Braun, Swaziland's Alien Plants Database

Photo - flowers

Rob Mackenzie, Swaziland's Alien Plants Database

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