Swaziland's Alien Plants Database

Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) Irwin & Barneby
wild senna, peanut butter cassia, African wild sensitive plant, candelabra tree, African senna, popcorn bush
Invasive, Problem species
Origin: Tropical Africa
Growth Form: Tree/shrub
Plant Description: Plant: Evergreen, rounded shrub or small tree 1–3(–6) m high; young shoots softly downy; flowers and cut stems smell of peanut butter. Leaves: Dark green, with 8–21 pairs of ovate-oblong leaflets 20–50 mm long, bases asymmetric, tips shortly pointed; stipules ovate, with a tapering point, persistent. Flowers: Bright yellow, buds dark brown, in narrow, erect racemes up to 450 mm long, all year. Fruit: Pods, green turning dark brown, softly downy, flattened, ± 100 mm long x 20 mm wide, long-beaked.
Key Features:
Control: manually
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Weeds & Invasive Plants Home Page

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K Braun, Swaziland's Alien Plants Database

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K Braun, Swaziland's Alien Plants Database

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