Biodiversity Conservation & Participatory Development Project
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Activities recently underway

  1. the mapping of biodiversity assets
  2. the mapping of tourism assets
  3. the mapping of areas of importance for improved natural resource management
  4. recommending an institutional structure and monitoring plan for project implementation

Inception reports have been submitted on each of these jobs and a number of workshops have been held to discuss with stakeholders, the likely outcomes of the consultancies.

Forthcoming Activities

The project preparation appraisal is due to take place in late March of 2004. This will involve appraisal by the World Bank of the suitability of the proposed project for financial support and for implementation. Before this date the above studies need to have been completed and the following also need to have been achieved:

  1. completion of the Environmental Assessment for the project
  2. clarification of the co-financing arrangements for the project implementation
  3. the carrying out of an economic analysis of the likely tourism benefits through the project
  4. completion of a project appraisal document

Should the appraisal in late March of 2004 be successful then project implementation may begin thereafter.

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Biodiversity Conservation & Participatory Development Project
PO Box 100, Lobamba, Swaziland
Tel/Fax: +268 416 3351