Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Food
Acacia karroo    (Sweet Thorn)  isinga,  lisinga,  singa,  umgamatsi,  umunga,
     Edible gum. Seeds roasted for coffee.
Acacia luederitzii var. retinens    (Belly Thorn)  lukhakho,  sibanbimphala,
     Edible gum & fruits.
Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens    (Black Thorn)
     Edible leaves and gum.
Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana    (Scented Thorn)  inshagu,  inshakwe,  lugagane,  sitfetfe,  sitfwetfwe,  umncawe,
     Edible gum. Suitable for confectionary.
Acacia senegal    (Three Hook Thorn)  ambambimphala,  sibanbimphala,  umbambimphala,
     Edible gum. The best gum arabic of commerce.
Acalypha glabrata var. glabrata    (Forest False Nettle)
     Young twigs eaten like spinach.
Acalypha glandulifolia    (Red Catkins)  ungibonisele,  usununundu,
     Roots eaten raw.
Acanthosicyos naudinianus    (Gemsbok Cucumber)
     Fruit is edible and a major source of water.
Achyranthes aspera *   (Burrweed)  layobe,  lenamo,
     Parts eaten in the Transkei.
Acokanthera oppositifolia    (Bushman's Poison)  inhlanguyane,  inhlungunyemba,  luzekwa,  mutsimulisa,  sibhanku,  umhlakahliso,
     Poisonous fruit reportedly eaten by some people in some places. May be less poisonous in some areas when fully ripened.
Acokanthera rotundata    (Round-leaved Poison Bush)  inhlungunyemba,
     Poisonous but ripe fruits said to be edible but bitter.
Adenia digitata    (Wild Granadilla)  liphobobo,
     Edible leaves. Fruit & tubers very poisonous.
Adenia gummifera var. gummifera    (Snake Climber)  imfulo,  imphinda,  impinda,  phindumshaye,
     Listed as a vegetable by some but the thick green stem is very poisonous.
Adenia hastata    (Snake Climber)
     Edible fruit but similar to poisonous species so care needed.
Aerva leucura   
     Leaves eaten by Bushmen in Namibia.
Aizoon canariense    (Zulu Spinach)
     Edible as spinach.
Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia    (Flat Crown)  inhlangushane,  inhlangutjane,  ligowane,  sivangatana,  sivangatane,  umkhabamkhombe,  usolo,
     Sauce can be made from seeds.
Alepidea longifolia    (Kalmus)  cocwane,  likhatsato,  likhokhwane,  linjata,
     Edible leaves when young.
Allophylus africanus var. africanus    (Black False Currant)
     Edible fruit & leaves
Aloe cooperi    (Cooper's Aloe)  lisheleshele,  lisheshelu,
     Edible leaves
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