Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Acacia karroo (Sweet Thorn) isinga, lisinga, singa, umgamatsi, umunga, | |
Edible gum. Seeds roasted for coffee. | |
Acacia luederitzii var. retinens (Belly Thorn) lukhakho, sibanbimphala, | |
Edible gum & fruits. | |
Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens (Black Thorn) | |
Edible leaves and gum. | |
Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana (Scented Thorn) inshagu, inshakwe, lugagane, sitfetfe, sitfwetfwe, umncawe, | |
Edible gum. Suitable for confectionary. | |
Acacia senegal (Three Hook Thorn) ambambimphala, sibanbimphala, umbambimphala, | |
Edible gum. The best gum arabic of commerce. | |
Acalypha glabrata var. glabrata (Forest False Nettle) | |
Young twigs eaten like spinach. | |
Acalypha glandulifolia (Red Catkins) ungibonisele, usununundu, | |
Roots eaten raw. | |
Acanthosicyos naudinianus (Gemsbok Cucumber) | |
Fruit is edible and a major source of water. | |
Achyranthes aspera * (Burrweed) layobe, lenamo, | |
Parts eaten in the Transkei. | |
Acokanthera oppositifolia (Bushman's Poison) inhlanguyane, inhlungunyemba, luzekwa, mutsimulisa, sibhanku, umhlakahliso, | |
Poisonous fruit reportedly eaten by some people in some places. May be less poisonous in some areas when fully ripened. | |
Acokanthera rotundata (Round-leaved Poison Bush) inhlungunyemba, | |
Poisonous but ripe fruits said to be edible but bitter. | |
Adenia digitata (Wild Granadilla) liphobobo, | |
Edible leaves. Fruit & tubers very poisonous. | |
Adenia gummifera var. gummifera (Snake Climber) imfulo, imphinda, impinda, phindumshaye, | |
Listed as a vegetable by some but the thick green stem is very poisonous. | |
Adenia hastata (Snake Climber) | |
Edible fruit but similar to poisonous species so care needed. | |
Aerva leucura | |
Leaves eaten by Bushmen in Namibia. | |
Aizoon canariense (Zulu Spinach) | |
Edible as spinach. | |
Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia (Flat Crown) inhlangushane, inhlangutjane, ligowane, sivangatana, sivangatane, umkhabamkhombe, usolo, | |
Sauce can be made from seeds. | |
Alepidea longifolia (Kalmus) cocwane, likhatsato, likhokhwane, linjata, | |
Edible leaves when young. | |
Allophylus africanus var. africanus (Black False Currant) | |
Edible fruit & leaves | |
Aloe cooperi (Cooper's Aloe) lisheleshele, lisheshelu, | |
Edible leaves | |
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SiSwati names (alphabetical order)
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