Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Capparis tomentosa    (Woolly Caper Bush)  imphololwane,  impololwane,  indodebomvu,  indodebovu,  ingongola,  inkunzibovu,
     Roots & stems for chest pains & a wide range of ailments such as coughs, colds, barrenness & impotence.
Capsicum frutescens *   (Tabasco Sauce Plant)
     Fruit & seeds analagesic for fractures, dental abcesses & orchitis.
Cardiospermum corindum    (Ballon Vine)
     Sedative properties.
Cardiospermum grandiflorum    (Balloon Vine)  uzipho,
     Medicinal. Sedative properties
Cardiospermum halicacabum *   (Lesser Balloon Vine)  likhambilemamba,
     Medicinal for diarrhoea, catarrh & body sores. Sedative properties.
Carissa bispinosa    (Num-num Shrub)  umbethankunzi,  umbetsankunzi,
     Root medicinal for toothache
Carissa tetramera    (Sand Forest Num-num)  lucondvo,
     Medicinal for impotence in men. An African Viagra.
Cassia abbreviata subsp. beareana    (Sjambok Pod)
     Various parts used as aphrodisiac & remedy for stomach aches
Cassinopsis ilicifolia    (Lemon Thorn)  sihloko,
     Bark remedy for dysentary
Cassipourea swaziensis    (Swazi Onionwood)
     Bark used medicinally.
Cassytha filiformis *   (False Dodder)  umkhunga,
     Medicinal for dysmenorrhoea.
Catha edulis    (Bushman's Tea)  mlomomnandzi,  mlomomunandzi,  umlomo-mnandzi,
     Leaves are widely used stimulant brewed or chewed. (khat). A truth drug - stimulates mental capacity. Can become addictive. Roots used for fertility enhancement.
Catharanthus roseus *   (Madagascar Periwinkle)  ikhwinini,  isishushlungu,
     Medicinal for diabetes, rhematism, insect bites & cancers.
Catunaregam spinosa subsp. spinosa    (Thorny Bone-apple)  sikhwakhwane,  sithole,
     Fruits as emetic
Celtis africana    (White Stinkwood)  liklolo,  liklolo lelikhulu,  luhlolo lolukhulu,  mbelangoma,  umvumvu,
     Traditional medicine. Roots & bark are an aphrodisiac.
Centella asiatica    (Indian Pennywort)  letintfwala,  licubudwane,  likhomisi,  likhomisle,
     Fruit for skin conditions, pubic lice, leprosy, cancer, & fever. Bulb for new born babies health
Centella glabrata var. natalensis    (Persiegras)  isiwisa,
     Traditional medicine
Cephalanthus natalensis    (Tree Strawberry)  mfomfo,  umfomfo,  umufofo,
     Fruit for fevers. Bark & stem treat retardation of motor function
Ceratotheca triloba    (Wild African Foxglove)  ludvonca,  ludvonqa,  umdonqa,
     Leaves for fever, stomach cramps & diarrhoea. Also an abortifacient. Roots used for sores.
Cestrum aurantiacum *   (Jessamine)
     Can be poisonous to stock. Especially unripe fruit is poisonous.
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