Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Cestrum laevigatum *   (Inkberry)
     Can be poisonous to stock. Especially unripe fruit is poisonous.
Chamaecrista mimosoides    (Fishbone Dwarf Cassia)  imbubu,  umbonisela,
     Medicinal for skin complaints, dysentery and loss of appetite.
Cheilanthes eckloniana    (Ecklon's Lip Fern)
     Smoke from burnt fronds for head & chest colds. Ashes for sores.
Cheilanthes hirta    (Parsley Fern)
     Decoction remedies sore throats, colds & asthma. Smoke for sleep.
Cheilanthes quadripinnata    (Four-pinnate Lip Fern)  quphulaka,
     Crushed rhizomes mixed with milk for diarrhoea.
Cheilanthes viridis    (Common Lip Fern)  quphulaka,
     Ground fronds for burns, sores & skin complaints
Chenopodium album *   (Lamb's Quarters)  imbilikicane,  imbilikiqane,  ligojelesalukati,  lubhici,  timvutesalukati,  umbikicane,
     Leaf poultice for burns, wounds, & inflamed eyes.
Chenopodium ambrosioides *   (Sandworm Plant)  nsukumbili,
     Leaves for insanity, convulsions, uterine pain & to dispel worms.
Chironia krebsii    (Kreb's Gentian)  umanqunduswazi,  umbangwangwa,
     For colic and diarrhoea in children
Chironia palustris    (Cerise Stars)
     For colic and diarrhoea in children
Chironia purpurascens    (Chironia)
Chloris virgata    (White Grass)  amafusine,
     Used by the Xhosa for colds and rheumatism
Chlorophytum comosum    (Green Hen-and-chickens)  iphamba,  umhlambezo,
     A root remedy ensures a healthy baby.
Chrysanthemoides monilifera    (Bush-tick Berry)  itholonja,  umtholombe,
     Leaf infusions for fevers. Fruit juice for impotence & to purify blood.
Cichorium intybus *   (Chicory)
     Roots, flower & leaves used as laxative & blood purifer. Toxic.
Cissampelos mucronata    (Heart-leaved Vine)  umbombo,
     Rhizomes for fever & sexual stimulant. Been used in arrow poisons.
Cissampelos torulosa    (Kidney Leaf)  ukhalimele-omkhulu,  umthombo,
     Leaves for enema & to treat hallucinations
Cissus quadrangularis    (Climbing Cactus)  lidzambiso,  sihlonhlwane,  umhlafutfu,  umhlahlamphetfu,  umklalafutfu,
     Stems & leaves for sores, wounds & for gonorrhoea. Roots used for sprians. Also used for veterinary purposes.
Cissus rotundifolia    (Bushveld Grape)  lidlebendlovu,  nyokane,  umtsebulo,
     Roots & leaves are medicinal
Cladostemon kirkii    (Three-finger Bush)  imbita,  imbiza,  mandzekwane,  umjono,
     Roots said to have medicinal properties. Used as cancer treatment.
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