Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Cestrum laevigatum * (Inkberry) | |
Can be poisonous to stock. Especially unripe fruit is poisonous. | |
Chamaecrista mimosoides (Fishbone Dwarf Cassia) imbubu, umbonisela, | |
Medicinal for skin complaints, dysentery and loss of appetite. | |
Cheilanthes eckloniana (Ecklon's Lip Fern) | |
Smoke from burnt fronds for head & chest colds. Ashes for sores. | |
Cheilanthes hirta (Parsley Fern) | |
Decoction remedies sore throats, colds & asthma. Smoke for sleep. | |
Cheilanthes quadripinnata (Four-pinnate Lip Fern) quphulaka, | |
Crushed rhizomes mixed with milk for diarrhoea. | |
Cheilanthes viridis (Common Lip Fern) quphulaka, | |
Ground fronds for burns, sores & skin complaints | |
Chenopodium album * (Lamb's Quarters) imbilikicane, imbilikiqane, ligojelesalukati, lubhici, timvutesalukati, umbikicane, | |
Leaf poultice for burns, wounds, & inflamed eyes. | |
Chenopodium ambrosioides * (Sandworm Plant) nsukumbili, | |
Leaves for insanity, convulsions, uterine pain & to dispel worms. | |
Chironia krebsii (Kreb's Gentian) umanqunduswazi, umbangwangwa, | |
For colic and diarrhoea in children | |
Chironia palustris (Cerise Stars) | |
For colic and diarrhoea in children | |
Chironia purpurascens (Chironia) | |
Medicinal | |
Chloris virgata (White Grass) amafusine, | |
Used by the Xhosa for colds and rheumatism | |
Chlorophytum comosum (Green Hen-and-chickens) iphamba, umhlambezo, | |
A root remedy ensures a healthy baby. | |
Chrysanthemoides monilifera (Bush-tick Berry) itholonja, umtholombe, | |
Leaf infusions for fevers. Fruit juice for impotence & to purify blood. | |
Cichorium intybus * (Chicory) | |
Roots, flower & leaves used as laxative & blood purifer. Toxic. | |
Cissampelos mucronata (Heart-leaved Vine) umbombo, | |
Rhizomes for fever & sexual stimulant. Been used in arrow poisons. | |
Cissampelos torulosa (Kidney Leaf) ukhalimele-omkhulu, umthombo, | |
Leaves for enema & to treat hallucinations | |
Cissus quadrangularis (Climbing Cactus) lidzambiso, sihlonhlwane, umhlafutfu, umhlahlamphetfu, umklalafutfu, | |
Stems & leaves for sores, wounds & for gonorrhoea. Roots used for sprians. Also used for veterinary purposes. | |
Cissus rotundifolia (Bushveld Grape) lidlebendlovu, nyokane, umtsebulo, | |
Roots & leaves are medicinal | |
Cladostemon kirkii (Three-finger Bush) imbita, imbiza, mandzekwane, umjono, | |
Roots said to have medicinal properties. Used as cancer treatment. | |
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