Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Clausena anisata var. anisata    (Horsewood)  umbangadloti,  umnukalampimba,  umnukelambiba,  umnukelambila,
     Steam & smoke as fumigant for heart, rheumatism & fevers. Also acts as a deodorant. Widely used medicinally for many internal ailments.
Clematis brachiata    (Traveller's Joy)  litinyolemamba,
     Abdominal disorders, snakebites & syphilis. Leaf tea for headaches. Roots used to treat flu
Clematis oweniae    (Virgin's Bower)  litinyolemamba,
     Leaves medicinal for head aches.
Cleome gynandra    (Spider Wisp)  umzonde,
     Medicinal cure for scurvy.
Clerodendrum glabrum var. glabrum    (White Cat's Whiskers)  umphehlacwatsi,  umphelacwatsi,
     Leaves for colic, coughs, colds, anal prolapse & wounds. Roots for snakebites. Bark as a dewormer.
Clerodendrum ternatum    (Blue Cat's Whiskers)  umphehlacwatsi,
     Skin complaints & spleen
Clivia caulescens    (Clivia)
     Medicinal. Analgesic
Clivia gardenii    (Major Garden's Clivia)  mayime,
Clivia miniata    (Orange Lily)  mayime,
     Leaves and rhizomes help child birth, and are used for snakebites & fever. All parts ar poisonous.
Clutia monticola var. monticola    (Branching Clutia)  licimamlilo,  licishamilo,
     Roots used to help in respiration.
Clutia pulchella var. pulchella    (Lightning Bush)  ikhambi lenkosi,  umembesa,
     Widely used medeicinally.
Coccinia palmata    (Wild Cucumber)  uthangazane lwehlathi,  uthangazane omncane,
Coccinia rehmannii    (Wild Cucumber)  tjwalabetinyoni,
Cocculus hirsutus *   (Bushveld Moonseed Creeper)  inyokane,  umgigo,  umtungulo,
Coddia rudis    (Small Bone-apple)  mahlamganisa,  mahlanganisa,  sikhwakhwane,  silulwane,  umhlabelo,
     Apply as poultice to incisions away from a fracture or to treat fracture.
Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum    (Red Bushwillow)  imbondvo lemhlophe,  imbondvo lemnyama,  umbondomnyama,
     Decoction of leaves for stomach disorders. Ash paste treats conjunctivitis. Roots & bark for treating wounds.
Combretum erythrophyllum    (River Bushwillow)  imbondvo lemhlophe,  umdvubu,
     Cure for venereal disease from roots. Roots for assisting abortion.
Combretum hereroense    (Russet Bushwillow)  livimbela,  sihlalavane,  umdvubu,  umklalavane,  umphulumbu,
     Infusion of roots for stomach disorders.
Combretum imberbe    (Leadwood)  impondozendhlovu,  liphodva lendlovu,  luphondvo lwendlovu,  mpondozendlovu,  phondotendlovu,  ummono,  umphulumbu,
     Roots medicinal to reduce fever. Smoke from burning leaves for coughs & colds.
Combretum molle    (Velvet Bush Willow)  imbondvo lemhlophe,  imbondvo lemnyama,  inkhukutwane,  umhlakuvane,
     Leaves for wounds. Leaf & root is snakebite antidote. Root used to treat abortion and constipation. Bark infusion as enema.
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