Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Clausena anisata var. anisata (Horsewood) umbangadloti, umnukalampimba, umnukelambiba, umnukelambila, | |
Steam & smoke as fumigant for heart, rheumatism & fevers. Also acts as a deodorant. Widely used medicinally for many internal ailments. | |
Clematis brachiata (Traveller's Joy) litinyolemamba, | |
Abdominal disorders, snakebites & syphilis. Leaf tea for headaches. Roots used to treat flu | |
Clematis oweniae (Virgin's Bower) litinyolemamba, | |
Leaves medicinal for head aches. | |
Cleome gynandra (Spider Wisp) umzonde, | |
Medicinal cure for scurvy. | |
Clerodendrum glabrum var. glabrum (White Cat's Whiskers) umphehlacwatsi, umphelacwatsi, | |
Leaves for colic, coughs, colds, anal prolapse & wounds. Roots for snakebites. Bark as a dewormer. | |
Clerodendrum ternatum (Blue Cat's Whiskers) umphehlacwatsi, | |
Skin complaints & spleen | |
Clivia caulescens (Clivia) | |
Medicinal. Analgesic | |
Clivia gardenii (Major Garden's Clivia) mayime, | |
Medicinal | |
Clivia miniata (Orange Lily) mayime, | |
Leaves and rhizomes help child birth, and are used for snakebites & fever. All parts ar poisonous. | |
Clutia monticola var. monticola (Branching Clutia) licimamlilo, licishamilo, | |
Roots used to help in respiration. | |
Clutia pulchella var. pulchella (Lightning Bush) ikhambi lenkosi, umembesa, | |
Widely used medeicinally. | |
Coccinia palmata (Wild Cucumber) uthangazane lwehlathi, uthangazane omncane, | |
Medicinal. | |
Coccinia rehmannii (Wild Cucumber) tjwalabetinyoni, | |
Medicinal | |
Cocculus hirsutus * (Bushveld Moonseed Creeper) inyokane, umgigo, umtungulo, | |
Medicinal | |
Coddia rudis (Small Bone-apple) mahlamganisa, mahlanganisa, sikhwakhwane, silulwane, umhlabelo, | |
Apply as poultice to incisions away from a fracture or to treat fracture. | |
Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum (Red Bushwillow) imbondvo lemhlophe, imbondvo lemnyama, umbondomnyama, | |
Decoction of leaves for stomach disorders. Ash paste treats conjunctivitis. Roots & bark for treating wounds. | |
Combretum erythrophyllum (River Bushwillow) imbondvo lemhlophe, umdvubu, | |
Cure for venereal disease from roots. Roots for assisting abortion. | |
Combretum hereroense (Russet Bushwillow) livimbela, sihlalavane, umdvubu, umklalavane, umphulumbu, | |
Infusion of roots for stomach disorders. | |
Combretum imberbe (Leadwood) impondozendhlovu, liphodva lendlovu, luphondvo lwendlovu, mpondozendlovu, phondotendlovu, ummono, umphulumbu, | |
Roots medicinal to reduce fever. Smoke from burning leaves for coughs & colds. | |
Combretum molle (Velvet Bush Willow) imbondvo lemhlophe, imbondvo lemnyama, inkhukutwane, umhlakuvane, | |
Leaves for wounds. Leaf & root is snakebite antidote. Root used to treat abortion and constipation. Bark infusion as enema. | |
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