Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Cycnium adonense    (Ink Plant)
     Remedy for snakebite
Cycnium racemosum    (Large Pink Ink Plant)  uhlabahlangane,
     Medicinal for pain and in childbirth.
Cymbopogon pospischilii    (Oil Grass)  lucungwa,
Cynodon dactylon    (Couch Grass)  ngwengane,
     For heartburn, wounds, indigestion & as blood purifer.
Cynoglossum hispidum    (Hound's Tongue)
     Probably poisonous.
Cyperus esculentus var. esculentus    (Yellow Nut Sedge)  umhlata,
     Tubers for indigestion. Tonic & to hasten inception of menstruation.
Cyperus longus    (Sedge)  indawo,
     Medicinal for colds & stomach ailments.
Cyperus rotundus    (Red Nut Sedge)
     Rhizomes. Antifebrile & antipyretic. World-wide weed & allelopathic.
Cyphia elata     lugagane,
     Medicinal emetic.
Cyphostemma cirrhosum    (Droog-my-keel)  mopho,
Cyphostemma subciliatum     inkhokhabovu,  likhambiletilondza,
     Leaves for peptic ulcers. Bulb for cancer and abscess.
Dactyloctenium aegyptium    (Duck Grass)
     Medicinal for kidney ailments & cough
Dais cotinifolia    (Pompon Tree)  intfocwane,
     Medicinal. Wide variety of uses.
Dalbergia melanoxylon    (Zebra Wood)  licobhe,
     Roots & bark prepared to treat toothache
Dalbergia obovata    (Climbing Flatbean)  umzungulu,
     Bark preparation for sore mouths & stomachs in babies. Cures boils.
Dalechampia capensis    (Wild Hop)  imbabatane,
Datura ferox *   (Large Thorn Apple)
     Medicinal for swellings. Leaves for psychosis. Poisonous.
Datura stramonium *   (Common Thorn Apple)  lijowe,  lijoye,  liljowe,  umkhuna,
     Seeds & leaves to induce halucinations & delusions. Poisonous.
Deinbollia oblongifolia    (Dune Soapberry)  igololenkawu,  intisamasimu,  iphengulula,  iqinisamasimu,  maqinisa,  umuthiwezi-thutha,
     Root preparation used for stomach problems. Bark for headaches.
Dianthus mooiensis subsp. kirkii    (Frilly Dianthus)  tjanibezwe,
     Medicinal. Emetic.
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