Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Elaeodendron transvaalense    (Transvaal Saffronwood)  ingulutane,  mcabango,  mgungulutane,  mkimgulutane,  ngcotfo,  umcabango,
     Roots & bark for stomach pain, diarrhoea, rashes & as emetic. A tea made from it is a famous African medicine - ingwavuma.
Elephantorrhiza elephantina    (Elandsbean)  intfolwane,  intolwane,  umdzafu,
     Bark is emetic & used for fevers, dysentary, ulcers, & syphilis. Boosts immune system. Roots treat diarrhoea.
Eleusine coracana subsp. africana    (Finger Millet)
     Medicinal for leprosy and liver diseases.
Eleusine indica    (Indian Goose Grass)
     Medicinal cough remedy
Encephalartos villosus    (Ground Cycad)  lisitsa,  mayiphuku,
     Medicinal for longevity
Englerophytum magalismontanum    (Transvaal Milkplum)  manumbela,
     Infusions of root & fruit for epilepsy. Powdered roots rubbed into forehead incision for headaches.
Epilobium hirsutum    (Salt of the Shepherds)  icikiciki,  itswayi lentaba,
     Herb. For warts, bathing sick babies, benign prostrate hyperplasia
Equisetum ramosissimum    (Horsetail)
     Cooked rhizomes enhance fertility in women. Poisonous properties.
Eragrostis aethiopica    (Bush Asparagus)  umsungutane,
     Medicinal. Antibiotic
Eragrostis plana    (Ox Grass)
     Medicinal in Lesotho
Erianthemum dregei    (Hairy Mistletoe)
     Bark for stomach complaints & for common ailments in children.
Eriosema cordatum    (Heart-leaved Eriosema)  umonoankunzi,
     Medicinal. Roots to treat impotence & frigidity.
Eriosema psoraleoides    (Yellow Seed)  inhlaba,  inhlula,  madoda,
     Internal disorders. Roots are emetic and poison antidote.
Eriosema salignum    (Brown Bonnets)  ubangalala,  uluphondongozi,  uqonsi,
     Medicinal to treat impotence, as expectorant & diuretic.
Eriospermum flagelliforme   
     Medicinal in Zimbabwe for depressed fontanelle.
Eriospermum mackenii    (Yellow Fluffy-seed)  insulansula,
Erythrina abyssinica *   (Coral Tree)
Erythrina humeana    (Dwarf Coral Tree)  umnsinsana,
     Root & bark extract used for tuberculosis, bronchitis & sprains.
Erythrina latissima    (Broad-leaved Coral Tree)  inhlangu,  siphama,  siphamba,  umgcwabagcwaba,  umgewabagewaba,
     Bark burnt and powdered used for open sores
Erythrina lysistemon    (Sacred Coral Tree)  siphama,  umsinsi,
     Bark for open wounds & stomach purger. Leaf infusions for earache. Seed contains substances that prevent blood clotting.
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