Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Elaeodendron transvaalense (Transvaal Saffronwood) ingulutane, mcabango, mgungulutane, mkimgulutane, ngcotfo, umcabango, | |
Roots & bark for stomach pain, diarrhoea, rashes & as emetic. A tea made from it is a famous African medicine - ingwavuma. | |
Elephantorrhiza elephantina (Elandsbean) intfolwane, intolwane, umdzafu, | |
Bark is emetic & used for fevers, dysentary, ulcers, & syphilis. Boosts immune system. Roots treat diarrhoea. | |
Eleusine coracana subsp. africana (Finger Millet) | |
Medicinal for leprosy and liver diseases. | |
Eleusine indica (Indian Goose Grass) | |
Medicinal cough remedy | |
Encephalartos villosus (Ground Cycad) lisitsa, mayiphuku, | |
Medicinal for longevity | |
Englerophytum magalismontanum (Transvaal Milkplum) manumbela, | |
Infusions of root & fruit for epilepsy. Powdered roots rubbed into forehead incision for headaches. | |
Epilobium hirsutum (Salt of the Shepherds) icikiciki, itswayi lentaba, | |
Herb. For warts, bathing sick babies, benign prostrate hyperplasia | |
Equisetum ramosissimum (Horsetail) | |
Cooked rhizomes enhance fertility in women. Poisonous properties. | |
Eragrostis aethiopica (Bush Asparagus) umsungutane, | |
Medicinal. Antibiotic | |
Eragrostis plana (Ox Grass) | |
Medicinal in Lesotho | |
Erianthemum dregei (Hairy Mistletoe) | |
Bark for stomach complaints & for common ailments in children. | |
Eriosema cordatum (Heart-leaved Eriosema) umonoankunzi, | |
Medicinal. Roots to treat impotence & frigidity. | |
Eriosema psoraleoides (Yellow Seed) inhlaba, inhlula, madoda, | |
Internal disorders. Roots are emetic and poison antidote. | |
Eriosema salignum (Brown Bonnets) ubangalala, uluphondongozi, uqonsi, | |
Medicinal to treat impotence, as expectorant & diuretic. | |
Eriospermum flagelliforme | |
Medicinal in Zimbabwe for depressed fontanelle. | |
Eriospermum mackenii (Yellow Fluffy-seed) insulansula, | |
Medicinal. | |
Erythrina abyssinica * (Coral Tree) | |
Medicinal | |
Erythrina humeana (Dwarf Coral Tree) umnsinsana, | |
Root & bark extract used for tuberculosis, bronchitis & sprains. | |
Erythrina latissima (Broad-leaved Coral Tree) inhlangu, siphama, siphamba, umgcwabagcwaba, umgewabagewaba, | |
Bark burnt and powdered used for open sores | |
Erythrina lysistemon (Sacred Coral Tree) siphama, umsinsi, | |
Bark for open wounds & stomach purger. Leaf infusions for earache. Seed contains substances that prevent blood clotting. | |
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