Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Gardenia cornuta    (Natal Gardenia)
     Fruits & roots an emetic.
Gardenia thunbergia    (Starry Gardenia)
     Infusion of root an emetic & for leprosy. Leaves used for syphilis.
Gardenia volkensii    (Transvaal Gardenia)  emangwe lamhlophe,  sivalasangweni,
     Infusion of roots and fruit as an emetic. Used for intestinal worms. Roots as an analgesic.
Gasteria batesiana var. batesiana    (Cow-tongue Cactus)  indvololwane,
     Medicinal for hysteria and a protective charms
Gazania krebsiana subsp. serrulata    (Common Gazania)  impephotshani,  isiphephane,
     Medicinal for sick babies, earache & sterility
Geigeria burkei    (Vermeerbos)
     Bulb for infectious dermatitis. Poisonous for stock.
Geranium flanaganii    (Cranesbill)
     Medicinal in Zulu households.
Gerbera ambigua    (Pink & White Gerbera)  mabophe,
     Tapeworms & coughs
Gerbera piloselloides    (Small Yellow Gerbera)  mabophe,  umoyawezwe,
     Tapeworms, earache, headaches, & coughs.
Gerrardanthus macrorhizus     isisema sehlathi,
     Purgative for pregnant women
Gladiolus antholyzoides    (African Gladiolus)
     Diarrhoea & chest ailments
Gladiolus aurantiacus    (Gladiolus)
     Medicinal for fevers.
Gladiolus crassifolius    (Thick-leaved Gladioulus)
     Medicinal for headaches.
Gladiolus ecklonii    (Sheathed Gladiolus)
     Medicinal for rheumatic pain.
Gladiolus sericeovillosus subsp. sericeovillosus    (Large Speckled Gladiolus)
     Dysentary, sprains, menstrual pain, & sterility
Gloriosa superba    (Flame Lily)  lesimnyama,  simiselo,
     Rhizomes for skin problems, impotence & fertility but poisonous.
Gnidia capitata     mabophe,
Gnidia kraussiana var. kraussiana    (Yellow Head)  umsilawengwe,  umsilawengwenya,
     Toothache and an abortifacient. Snakebites. Poisonous. Roots & leaves for dizziness. Has been used as arrow poison.
Gnidia splendens    (Lesser Yellow Head)  umshanyelo,
     Lumbago, sore throats & snakebites
Gomphocarpus fruticosus    (Milkweed)  ,
     Root - heart disorders. Powdered leaves & roots for headache snuff.
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