Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Gomphocarpus glaucophyllus     umbohlobohlo,
Gomphocarpus physocarpus    (Baboon Cottonbush)  lusingalwesalukati,
     Powdered roots and leaves stomach ache, dizzy headache (snuff), warts and TB.
Gossypium herbaceum    (Wild Cotton)  kotini,  kotini wesiganga,  litjinda,
     Roots used for toothache.
Graderia scabra    (Wild Penstemon)  impundu,
     Stomach complaints, fevers, menstrual pain
Grewia bicolor    (Bastard Brandybush)
     Roots as emetic & for chest complaints.
Grewia flava    (Velvet Brandybush)  liklolo,
     Roots as emetic
Grewia flavescens    (Rough-leaved raisin)  labhojane,  lambonjane,  ligusha-lemahlatsi,  likloko,  liklolo,
     Multiple medicinal uses. Impotence, sterility, wounds.
Grewia hexamita    (Giant Raisin)  umsiphane lomkhulu,
     Roots as emetic, for vomiting & as a male aphrodisiac.
Grewia micrantha    (Golden Raisin)  umsiphane lomkhulu,
     Roots as emetic
Grewia monticola    (Silver Raisin)  umsipune,
     Roots as emetic.
Grewia occidentalis    (Cross-berry Raisin)  likloko,  liklolo,
     Multiple medicinal uses. Impotence, sterility, wounds.
Grewia subspathulata    (Hybrid Raisin)
     Roots as emetic
Grewia villosa var. villosa    (Mallow Raisin)  labhojane,
     Roots as emetic.
Greyia sutherlandii    (Natal Bottlebrush)  inhlazane,  umwatsawatsa,
     Root infusions for nausea and induce vomiting
Gunnera perpensa    (River Pumpkin)  cobho,  gobho,  qobho,
     Roots for menstrual pain & male impotence. Also treating cows.
Gymnosporia buxifolia    (Common Spike-thorn)  sibhubhu,  sibhuku,  sihlangu,  sihlangulesimnyama,
     Medicinal for angina pectoris. Roots for stomach cramps.
Gymnosporia glaucophylla    (Blue Spike Thorn)  sihlangu,  sihlangwe,  sihlangwe simnyama,  simnyama,  umboyi,
     Snakebite cures. Roots given to pregnant women.
Gymnosporia heterophylla    (Angular-stemmed Spike Thorn)  sihlangu (white),  sihlangulesimnyama,
     Bark used as snakebite cure.
Gymnosporia markwardii    (Spike Thorn)  sihlangu,
     Snakebite cures
Gymnosporia nemorosa    (White Spotted Spike-thorn)  mzubanacansi,  sihlangu,
     Spines are medicinal.
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