Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Hypoestes aristata    (Ribbon Bush)  idololenkonyane-elimhlophe,  uhlonyane,
     Crushed leaves as a poultice for sore eyes.
Hypoxis acuminata    (Star Grass)
Hypoxis hemerocallidea    (Star Flower)  iboya,  imbita,  inkhofi,  inkhomfe,  liboya,  lilabatseka,
     Corm for prostatic hypertrophy, immune systems & as a tonic. Also diarrhoea in children & infective dermatitis. Reputed effective for HIV/AIDS
Hypoxis rigidula    (Silver-leaved Star-flower)
Hyptis pectinata *  
     Leaves & fruit to benefit the insane with North American Indian tribes.
Ilex mitis var. mitis    (Cape Holly)  inchitsamuti,  incitamuzi,  libofa,  libota,
     Bark is purgative & enema. Leaves also medicinal.
Impatiens hochstetteri    (Wild Impatiens)  ihula,  umadolwane,
     Remedies from leaves & stems for eczema
Indigastrum fastigiatum    (Slender Indigo)  uluhlomantethe,
     Medicinal for headaches.
Indigofera confusa    (African Indigo)  chubhujeje,
     Roots for infertilty, menstrual cramps, gonorrhoea & stomach pains.
Indigofera dimidiata    (Trifoliate Indigofera)
     Medicinal for fevers
Indigofera eriocarpa    (Indigo)
     Medicinal for dysentary.
Indigofera hedyantha    (Blackbud Indigo)  ilidolo-lendoda,  uluhlomantethe,
     Medicinal for fevers.
Indigofera tinctoria var. arcuata    (Indigo Plant)
     Leaves for neuralgea
Ipomoea albivenia    (Wooden Rose Creeper)  imibuzana,  ubatata wentaba,  umgwiligwili,  ungubasiswana,
     Medicinal to purify blood
Ipomoea cairica var. cairica    (Morning Glory )  ihlambe,  ijalamu,  intana,  umaholwana,
     Medicinal for rashes.
Ipomoea crassipes    (Leafy-flowered Ipomoea)  vimbukhalo,
     Medicinal for dysentary, sores & hiccups.
Ipomoea ficifolia    (Fig-leaved Ipomoea)
     Medicinal for stomach disorders & snakebites
Ipomoea obscura var. obscura    (Morning Glory Plant)  umdzandzabuka,
Ipomoea purpurea *   (Common Morning Glory)  ijalapha,  ijalmu,  ubhoqo,
     Medicinal for stomach disorders & purify blood. Seeds hallucinogenic.
Jasminum multipartitum    (Starry Wild Jasmine)  ihlolenkosazane,  imfohlafohlane,  isandia senkosikazi,
     Medicinal emetic.
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