Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Jatropha curcas *   (Barbados Nut)
     Oil is a purgative and toxic. Poisonous.
Jatropha hirsuta    (Hairy-leaved Jatropha)  godzide,  godzidze,
     Roots used for fever & wounds. Medicinal for dogs.
Jatropha zeyheri var. zeyheri     godida,
     Tuber for menstrual pain and to strengthen foetus
Justicia betonica    (Paper Plume)  instelo yemehlo,
     Leaves used for conjunctivitis.
Justicia flava    (Yellow Justicia)
     To treat coughs.
Kalanchoe rotundifolia    (Common Kalanchoe)
     Emetic. Poisonous properties. Goats especially susceptable.
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora    (White Lady)  utshwala benyoni,
     Earache, colds, intestinal worms. Poisonous qualities.
Kedrostis foetidissima     tjwala benyoni,
     Medicinal for hiccups.
Keetia gueinzii    (Climbing Turkey-berry)  gcupe,  sinwati,  ugcupe,
     Root is medicinal.
Kigelia africana    (Sausage Tree)  mvongotsi,  umvongotsi,
     Fruits for rheumatism, syphilus, ointments, dressings & child enema.
Kleinia fulgens    (Coral Senecio)
Kniphofia breviflora    (Red-hot Poker)
     Medicinal for women
Kniphofia galpinii    (Red-hot Poker)
     Medicinal for women
Kniphofia linearifolia    (Common Marsh Poker)
     Medicinal for women
Kniphofia multiflora    (Giant Poker.)  tokoloshi,
     Medicinal for women
Kniphofia porphyrantha    (Dwarf Red-hot Poker)
     Medicinal for women
Kniphofia splendida    (Red-hot Poker)
     Medicinal for women
Kniphofia tysonii subsp. lebomboensis    (Red-hot Poker)
     Medicinal for women
Kniphofia umbrina    (Red-hot Poker)
     Medicinal for women
Kohautia amatymbica    (Tremble Tops)  umfanozacile,
     Improve appetite of infants & as snake protection
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