Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Kraussia floribunda    (Wild Cornel)  lisolenkhosi,  litsambo lenja,
     Roots used to treat pregnant women
Lagenaria siceraria    (Wild Melon)  inshubaba,  iselwa,  liselwa,  ntshubaba,  shubaba,
     Medicinal for stomach ache & glandular swellings.
Lannea discolor    (Wild Grape)  isiganganyane,  sigaganjane,  siganganyane,  tintfoholoon,  tintokolovu,  umntfokolovo,  umntfokolovu,  umtfukolovo,
     Bark & roots used for childrens ailments, convulsions, dizziness, bladder & bowel ailments and for vomiting and female sterililty Roots also for diarrhoea.
Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii    (False Marula)  umgabunkhomo,
     Roots as sedative snuff. Paste from leaves as a dressing for sores
Lantana camara *   (Lantana)  mehlwakati,
     Leaves for malaria.
Lantana rugosa    (Bird's Brandy)  bhubhubhu,  inkhobe,  inkobe,  khitchukhurwani,  khushukhushwana,
     For abdominal pain, sore eyes, coughs, napkin rash & rheumatism. Tops & roots treat night terrors. Roots for angina pectoris.
Ledebouria apertiflora    (Common Squill)  ingudvudvu,
Ledebouria cooperi    (Cooper's Squill)
     Medicinal in pregnancy.
Ledebouria floribunda    (Large Ledebouria)
Ledebouria ovatifolia    (Cooper's Squill)  sigadlana,  umhlabelo,
     Medicinal for diarrhhoea, flu, & backache. Some say poisonous.
Ledebouria revoluta    (Common Ledebouria)
     Skin irritations, wounds, lumbago
Leonotis leonurus    (Lion's Ear)  imunyane,  umcwili,  utshwala-bezinyoni,
     Leaf & root concoctions used internally for colds, flu, coughs, bronchitis, headaches & asthma & externally for stings, bites, & boils.
Leonotis nepetifolia    (Lion's Ear)
     Medicinal for reproductive, respiratory and gastric system. Diuretic.
Leucas martinicensis    (Tumble Weed)  amandetshi,
     Medicinal for colds.
Leucosidea sericea    (Oldwood)  umchitsi,
     Leaves for ophthalmia
Linum thunbergii    (Wild Flax)  ithalelimpofu,
     To purify blood & for fever, pain & snakebites.
Lippia javanica    (Lemon Bush)  luhlanga,  msutane,  musutane,  mutshwane,  mutswane,  umsutane,  umswazi,
     Tea from leaves for coughs, bronchitis, fever & colds especially in children. Poisonous properties. Top used for napkin rash & night terrors. Crushed leaves, roots & branchesd inhaled for headaches.
Littonia modesta    (Climbing Bells)  luhlamvu,
     Infertility. All parts of plant are toxic.
Lobelia erinus    (Edging Lobelia)  impenjana,  incamathela,  isidala esiluhlaza,
     Medicinal for colds
Lotononis corymbosa     ihlamvusenhla,  incinci,  umamatheka,  umhlambululi,  umusa,  uvelabahleke,
     Tonic for women who lost a baby.
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