Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Kraussia floribunda (Wild Cornel) lisolenkhosi, litsambo lenja, | |
Roots used to treat pregnant women | |
Lagenaria siceraria (Wild Melon) inshubaba, iselwa, liselwa, ntshubaba, shubaba, | |
Medicinal for stomach ache & glandular swellings. | |
Lannea discolor (Wild Grape) isiganganyane, sigaganjane, siganganyane, tintfoholoon, tintokolovu, umntfokolovo, umntfokolovu, umtfukolovo, | |
Bark & roots used for childrens ailments, convulsions, dizziness, bladder & bowel ailments and for vomiting and female sterililty Roots also for diarrhoea. | |
Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii (False Marula) umgabunkhomo, | |
Roots as sedative snuff. Paste from leaves as a dressing for sores | |
Lantana camara * (Lantana) mehlwakati, | |
Leaves for malaria. | |
Lantana rugosa (Bird's Brandy) bhubhubhu, inkhobe, inkobe, khitchukhurwani, khushukhushwana, | |
For abdominal pain, sore eyes, coughs, napkin rash & rheumatism. Tops & roots treat night terrors. Roots for angina pectoris. | |
Ledebouria apertiflora (Common Squill) ingudvudvu, | |
Medicinal | |
Ledebouria cooperi (Cooper's Squill) | |
Medicinal in pregnancy. | |
Ledebouria floribunda (Large Ledebouria) | |
Medicinal. | |
Ledebouria ovatifolia (Cooper's Squill) sigadlana, umhlabelo, | |
Medicinal for diarrhhoea, flu, & backache. Some say poisonous. | |
Ledebouria revoluta (Common Ledebouria) | |
Skin irritations, wounds, lumbago | |
Leonotis leonurus (Lion's Ear) imunyane, umcwili, utshwala-bezinyoni, | |
Leaf & root concoctions used internally for colds, flu, coughs, bronchitis, headaches & asthma & externally for stings, bites, & boils. | |
Leonotis nepetifolia (Lion's Ear) | |
Medicinal for reproductive, respiratory and gastric system. Diuretic. | |
Leucas martinicensis (Tumble Weed) amandetshi, | |
Medicinal for colds. | |
Leucosidea sericea (Oldwood) umchitsi, | |
Leaves for ophthalmia | |
Linum thunbergii (Wild Flax) ithalelimpofu, | |
To purify blood & for fever, pain & snakebites. | |
Lippia javanica (Lemon Bush) luhlanga, msutane, musutane, mutshwane, mutswane, umsutane, umswazi, | |
Tea from leaves for coughs, bronchitis, fever & colds especially in children. Poisonous properties. Top used for napkin rash & night terrors. Crushed leaves, roots & branchesd inhaled for headaches. | |
Littonia modesta (Climbing Bells) luhlamvu, | |
Infertility. All parts of plant are toxic. | |
Lobelia erinus (Edging Lobelia) impenjana, incamathela, isidala esiluhlaza, | |
Medicinal for colds | |
Lotononis corymbosa ihlamvusenhla, incinci, umamatheka, umhlambululi, umusa, uvelabahleke, | |
Tonic for women who lost a baby. | |
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