Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Adenium multiflorum (Impala Lily) | |
Poisonous but has medicinal applications as a male aphrodisiac. | |
Adiantum capillus-veneris (Black Maidenhair Fern) | |
Smoke from fronds for respiratory tract disorders. Also hair & scalp. | |
Adiantum poiretii (Maidenhair) | |
Smoke from fronds for respiratory tract disorders. Also hair & scalp. | |
Adiantum raddianum * (Maidenhair) | |
Smoke from fronds for respiratory tract disorders. Also hair & scalp. | |
Afzelia quanzensis (Pod Mahogany) mkolikoli, umbola, umkholikholi, umkhwalikhwali, umshafunti, | |
Roots & bark for bilharzia, the eyes, sores and eczema. | |
Agapanthus caulescens (Agapanthus) | |
Medicinal. Emetic. | |
Agapanthus inapertus subsp. intermedius (Drooping Agapanthus) | |
Medicinal. Emetic. | |
Agapanthus nutans (Agapanthus) | |
Roots for chronic penile ulcer & vulva infections. | |
Agave americana * (Century Plant) | |
Sap & roots for digestive disorders, ulcers & muscous inflammation | |
Ageratum conyzoides * (Blue Weed) mafodlwane, | |
Antiseptic for wounds, respiratory tract disorders & worms. Toxic. | |
Ageratum houstonianum * (Blue Weed) | |
May be toxic. | |
Agrimonia procera (Scented Agrimony) umakhuthula, | |
Herb anti-diarrhoel, mild diuretic, coughs & intestinal worms. | |
Ajuga ophrydis (Bugle Weed) | |
Medicinal for female sterility & painful menstruation. | |
Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia (Flat Crown) inhlangushane, inhlangutjane, ligowane, sivangatana, sivangatane, umkhabamkhombe, usolo, | |
Bark & roots for skin diseases, scabies & for uterine problems, but is also poisonous. Leafy twig used to treat abcesses. Stembark used for epilepsy, gonorrhea & eyesight. | |
Albizia anthelmintica (Worm-cure Falsethorn) ligola, sivangatane, umnala, | |
Bark & roots for tape worms. An anthelmintic. Lowers cholesterol. | |
Albizia harveyi (Common Falsethorn) inkhambane, umtfongwane, | |
Pods & leaves poisonous to cattle & sheep. | |
Albizia versicolor (Large Leaved Falsethorn) halibhona , imfiayezi, inhlaba, mhlakaza, sivangatana, sivangatane, umvangatana, | |
Poisonous in blood but not if eaten. Hence used in arrow poisons. But pods and seeds reported to be poisonous to stock at a certain stage of development. Used medicinally for backache and cough. | |
Albuca setosa (Small White Albuca) gibi'z'phoso, ingcina, mfazothethayo, | |
Medicinal | |
Alepidea amatymbica (Giant Alepidea) inkhatsankhatsa, likhatsato, | |
Snuff for headaches, colds, coughs & rheumatism. Used for adominal pains in Zimbabwe. | |
Alepidea attenuata (Kalmus) likhatsato, | |
Medicinal | |
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