Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Lotononis laxa    (Wild lucerne.)
     Poisonous for sheep
Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme *   (Tomato)
     An antioxidant
Lycopodium clavatum    (Running Clubmoss)
     Toxic but can be used to increase urine flow, & relieve spasms.
Macledium zeyheri subsp. zeyheri    (Toy Sugarbush)  mahlabane,  somaheva,  umtjwatjophinda,
     Treats chest ailments & a strengthening tonic. Roots to ease pains. Root is used to treat abortion.
Maerua angolensis    (Bushveld Bead-bean)  umenwayo,  ummenwayo,  umvitsi,
     Medicinal but fruit may be poisonous.
Maerua racemulosa    (Forest Bush-cherry)  idungamuzi elicane,  imphunziso,  umphunzizo,
     Roots are medicinal.
Maerua rosmarinoides    (Needle-leaved Bush Cherry)  mankhweni,  umzane,  umzawe,
     Medicinal roots.
Maesa lanceolata    (False Assegaai)  indende,  ligucu,  magucu,  maygugu,  mbhongozi,  phophopho,  umbhongozi,  umbhungubhungu,  umbohlobohlo,  umbongambonga,
     Multiple medicinal uses from leaves,roots, fruit. Toxic properties. Leaves for wounds & strains.Roots for jaundice and an emetic. Fruits & seeds for intestinal worms, stomach pains & sore throats.
Mangifera indica *   (Mango)  mangololo,  mangoza,
     Plant used for abdominal pains
Manihot esculenta *   (Bitter Cassava/Tapioca)  bhatata,
     Roots for scabies. Toxic
Manilkara concolor    (Zulu Milkberry)  manematfole,  mncwambi,  sifomamasi,  siformamasi,
     Roots are medicinal.
Manilkara mochisia    (Lowveld Milkberry)  nwambu,  umcambelo,
     Leaves used to treat depression
Manulea parviflora    (Pepper and Salt)  isola,
     Enema for children with intestinal disorders.
Margaritaria discoidea    (Pheasant Berry)  ugusakhethelo,  umadlozane,  umdlulamazembe,  umkwangu,  umnandana,  upata,
     Bark relieves pain after childbirth. Burnt externally as stimulant.
Mariscus fulgens    (Umbrella Sedge)
Maytenus acuminata var. acuminata    (Silky Bark)  umnama,
     Bark used for stomach complaints.
Melia azedarach *   (Persian Lilac)  liputjutju,  msilinga,  umsilinga,
     Roots for anal prolapse. Berries poisonous, more so when ripe.
Mentha aquatica    (Water Mint)  mayime,
     Medicinal for colds & respiratory problems.
Mentha longifolia    (Wild Mint)  futsane,
     Medicinal for headaches, indigestion & urinary tract.
Microgramma mauritiana    (Rockrunner)  gebeleweni,
     Whole plant treats lice on humans and prevents spread of lice.
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