Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Pyrenacantha kaurabassana     velabahleke,
     Medicinal for herpes.
Ranunculus multifidus    (Common Buttercup)  lixhaphozi,  uxhaphozi,
     Medicinal for coughs, headaches, urinary tract, ulcers & wounds.
Rapanea melanophloeos    (Cape Beech)  dzilidzili,  gcolo,  gcolokhulu,  gcolokhulu,  gcolokulu,  ikhubakhula,  ligcolo,  ludzilidzile,  luqolokulu,  maphipha,
     Decoction of bark as emetic & expectorant. To strengthen blood and treatnerves and bad dreams. For pains in lower abdomen. To treat diabetes.
Raphionacme galpinii    (Galpin's Raphio)  lubhuku,
     Tuber used to treat rashes.
Raphionacme hirsuta    (False Gentian)
     Medicinal for chronic ulcers.
Raphionacme procumbens    (Creeping Raphio)  imfuce,
Rauvolfia caffra    (Quinine Tree)  umfomamasi,  umhlambamanzi,  umkhamamasi,  umtfomasi,
     Sap, roots & bark for high blood pressure, heart arrhythmia & cholera. Popular traditional medicine but fruit is poisonous to humans.
Rhamnus prinoides    (Dogwood)  inyenye,  linyenye,  sineyi,
     Roots purify blood & for pneumonia. Leaves as liniment for strains.
Rhipsalis baccifera    (Hanging Wild Cactus)  ugebeleweni,
     Medicinal for chest complaints.
Rhoicissus tridentata    (Bushman's Grape)  imbozisa,  ligolo-lenkhonyane,  mboziso,  mnamaftsela,  mnamatsela,  umguci,  umguco,
     Roots for menstrual pains, childbirth, impotence, barrenness, syphilis, bladder & kidney complaints. Whole plant for chest complaints. Leaves or roots for otitis.
Rhus chirindensis    (Red Currant)  inhlangishane-lenkhulu,
     Sap remedies heart complaints. Roots are medicinal.
Rhus leptodictya    (Mountain Karee)
     Branch lotion & smoke from burning used for eye complaints
Rhynchosia angulosa   
     Emetic. Also for chest complaints.
Rhynchosia caribaea   
     Rheumatic pains and headaches
Rhynchosia totta var. totta    (Yellow Carpet Bean)  igugude,  ligugudze,
     Roots medicinal for venereal disease.
Rhynchosia woodii   
Ricinus communis *   (Castor Oil Plant)  umhlafutfo,
     Purgative. Leaves used in creams & ointments for wounds. Poisonous.
Rotheca hirsuta    (Small Violet Bush)  sigibanyongo,
     Medicinal for intestinal worms. A bile tonic
Rotheca myricoides    (Cat's Whiskers)  luphehlacwatsi,  manyongwane,  sigabanyongo,  umbozwa,  vatke luphehlacwatsi,
     Fruit a remedy for skin complaints. Reputed to cure snake bites. Leaves maybe antiseptic. Root to cure spleen ailments.
Rothmannia capensis    (Candlewood)  intumbamadlozi,  sikhokho,
     Roots for rheumatism & leprosy. Juice from fruit for wounds & burns.
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