Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Pyrenacantha kaurabassana velabahleke, | |
Medicinal for herpes. | |
Ranunculus multifidus (Common Buttercup) lixhaphozi, uxhaphozi, | |
Medicinal for coughs, headaches, urinary tract, ulcers & wounds. | |
Rapanea melanophloeos (Cape Beech) dzilidzili, gcolo, gcolokhulu, gcolokhulu, gcolokulu, ikhubakhula, ligcolo, ludzilidzile, luqolokulu, maphipha, | |
Decoction of bark as emetic & expectorant. To strengthen blood and treatnerves and bad dreams. For pains in lower abdomen. To treat diabetes. | |
Raphionacme galpinii (Galpin's Raphio) lubhuku, | |
Tuber used to treat rashes. | |
Raphionacme hirsuta (False Gentian) | |
Medicinal for chronic ulcers. | |
Raphionacme procumbens (Creeping Raphio) imfuce, | |
Medicinal | |
Rauvolfia caffra (Quinine Tree) umfomamasi, umhlambamanzi, umkhamamasi, umtfomasi, | |
Sap, roots & bark for high blood pressure, heart arrhythmia & cholera. Popular traditional medicine but fruit is poisonous to humans. | |
Rhamnus prinoides (Dogwood) inyenye, linyenye, sineyi, | |
Roots purify blood & for pneumonia. Leaves as liniment for strains. | |
Rhipsalis baccifera (Hanging Wild Cactus) ugebeleweni, | |
Medicinal for chest complaints. | |
Rhoicissus tridentata (Bushman's Grape) imbozisa, ligolo-lenkhonyane, mboziso, mnamaftsela, mnamatsela, umguci, umguco, | |
Roots for menstrual pains, childbirth, impotence, barrenness, syphilis, bladder & kidney complaints. Whole plant for chest complaints. Leaves or roots for otitis. | |
Rhus chirindensis (Red Currant) inhlangishane-lenkhulu, | |
Sap remedies heart complaints. Roots are medicinal. | |
Rhus leptodictya (Mountain Karee) | |
Branch lotion & smoke from burning used for eye complaints | |
Rhynchosia angulosa | |
Emetic. Also for chest complaints. | |
Rhynchosia caribaea | |
Rheumatic pains and headaches | |
Rhynchosia totta var. totta (Yellow Carpet Bean) igugude, ligugudze, | |
Roots medicinal for venereal disease. | |
Rhynchosia woodii | |
Medicinal | |
Ricinus communis * (Castor Oil Plant) umhlafutfo, | |
Purgative. Leaves used in creams & ointments for wounds. Poisonous. | |
Rotheca hirsuta (Small Violet Bush) sigibanyongo, | |
Medicinal for intestinal worms. A bile tonic | |
Rotheca myricoides (Cat's Whiskers) luphehlacwatsi, manyongwane, sigabanyongo, umbozwa, vatke luphehlacwatsi, | |
Fruit a remedy for skin complaints. Reputed to cure snake bites. Leaves maybe antiseptic. Root to cure spleen ailments. | |
Rothmannia capensis (Candlewood) intumbamadlozi, sikhokho, | |
Roots for rheumatism & leprosy. Juice from fruit for wounds & burns. | |
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