Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Rothmannia globosa    (September Bells)  sikoba,
     Powdered roots for leprosy.
Rubia cordifolia subsp. conotricha    (Sticky-leaved Rubia)
     Medicinal for colic, sore throat, impotence & menstrual problems
Rubia horrida   
Rubia petiolaris   
Rubus fruticosus    (Bramble)
     Fruit. Inflammation of mouth & throat. Astringent.
Rubus rigidus    (African Bramble)  ijikijolo,  ugagane,
     Medicinal for diarhoea, dysentery, pain & toothache
Rumex acetosella subsp. angiocarpus    (Sheep's Sorrel)
     Leaves, roots & seeds for bleeding, diarrhea, dysentary, & cancer.
Rumex crispus *   (Curly Dock)  lidvololenkhonyane,
     Rhizome is an stimulant & laxative. Also for worms & ulcers. Leaves relieves pain of insect stings and bites.
Rumex sagittatus    (Climbing Dock)  simunyane,
     Pain, constipation & tuberculosis.
Salix alba *   (White Willow)
     Bark - anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic & analgesic. Aspirin source.
Salix mucronata subsp. woodii    (River Willow)  umnyetane,  umnyezane,
     Branch tips and leaves are used for rheumatism and fever. Roots used as bladder purger.
Salvadora australis    (Mustard Tree)  ichitamuzi,  umphene,
     Lotion for treating sore eyes.
Salvia aurita var. galpinii    (Sage)
     Infusions for colds, flu & bronchitis
Sandersonia aurantiaca    (Christmas Bells)  ihlamvu lasenhla,  umagobongwana,  ushayabhici,
     Medicinal as aphrodisiac..
Sansevieria hyacinthoides    (Mother-in-law's-tongue)  sikwenga,  sitfokofoso,  sitfokotfoko,  sitfotfokotfo,  umutsi wetindlebe,  umwashanhlola,
     Rhizomes & leaves for earache, toothache & haemorrhoids. Also in pregnancy for safe delivery.
Sarcostemma viminale subsp. viminale    (Caustic Vine)  emaphoti,  ingotjwa,  liphoti,  makhombo makhulu,  umphangalehaya,
     Heartburn, ulcers, septic sores, venereal disease. Stem is used. However deemed to be poisonous with toxicity varying with area in which it occurs. Stems and pods stimulate milk in nursing mothers.
Scabiosa columbaria    (Wild Scabiosa)  libheka,  lipheka,
     Leaves/roots for colic, heartburn, painful menstruation & sore eyes.
Scadoxus multiflorus    (Fire Ball Lily)  idunjana,  ubukhoswane,
     Bulb is poisonous but plant used for coughs,headaches & stomach.
Scadoxus puniceus    (Snake Lily)  idumbelentaba,  idumbe-lika-nhloyile,  isiphompo,  umgola,
     Bulb is poisonous but plant used for coughs,headaches & stomach.
Schefflera umbellifera    (False Cabbage Tree)  umsengembuti,  umusenge mbuti,
     Leaves medicinal for rheumatism & malaria.
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