Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Rothmannia globosa (September Bells) sikoba, | |
Powdered roots for leprosy. | |
Rubia cordifolia subsp. conotricha (Sticky-leaved Rubia) | |
Medicinal for colic, sore throat, impotence & menstrual problems | |
Rubia horrida | |
Medicinal | |
Rubia petiolaris | |
Medicinal | |
Rubus fruticosus (Bramble) | |
Fruit. Inflammation of mouth & throat. Astringent. | |
Rubus rigidus (African Bramble) ijikijolo, ugagane, | |
Medicinal for diarhoea, dysentery, pain & toothache | |
Rumex acetosella subsp. angiocarpus (Sheep's Sorrel) | |
Leaves, roots & seeds for bleeding, diarrhea, dysentary, & cancer. | |
Rumex crispus * (Curly Dock) lidvololenkhonyane, | |
Rhizome is an stimulant & laxative. Also for worms & ulcers. Leaves relieves pain of insect stings and bites. | |
Rumex sagittatus (Climbing Dock) simunyane, | |
Pain, constipation & tuberculosis. | |
Salix alba * (White Willow) | |
Bark - anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic & analgesic. Aspirin source. | |
Salix mucronata subsp. woodii (River Willow) umnyetane, umnyezane, | |
Branch tips and leaves are used for rheumatism and fever. Roots used as bladder purger. | |
Salvadora australis (Mustard Tree) ichitamuzi, umphene, | |
Lotion for treating sore eyes. | |
Salvia aurita var. galpinii (Sage) | |
Infusions for colds, flu & bronchitis | |
Sandersonia aurantiaca (Christmas Bells) ihlamvu lasenhla, umagobongwana, ushayabhici, | |
Medicinal as aphrodisiac.. | |
Sansevieria hyacinthoides (Mother-in-law's-tongue) sikwenga, sitfokofoso, sitfokotfoko, sitfotfokotfo, umutsi wetindlebe, umwashanhlola, | |
Rhizomes & leaves for earache, toothache & haemorrhoids. Also in pregnancy for safe delivery. | |
Sarcostemma viminale subsp. viminale (Caustic Vine) emaphoti, ingotjwa, liphoti, makhombo makhulu, umphangalehaya, | |
Heartburn, ulcers, septic sores, venereal disease. Stem is used. However deemed to be poisonous with toxicity varying with area in which it occurs. Stems and pods stimulate milk in nursing mothers. | |
Scabiosa columbaria (Wild Scabiosa) libheka, lipheka, | |
Leaves/roots for colic, heartburn, painful menstruation & sore eyes. | |
Scadoxus multiflorus (Fire Ball Lily) idunjana, ubukhoswane, | |
Bulb is poisonous but plant used for coughs,headaches & stomach. | |
Scadoxus puniceus (Snake Lily) idumbelentaba, idumbe-lika-nhloyile, isiphompo, umgola, | |
Bulb is poisonous but plant used for coughs,headaches & stomach. | |
Schefflera umbellifera (False Cabbage Tree) umsengembuti, umusenge mbuti, | |
Leaves medicinal for rheumatism & malaria. | |
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