Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Schizocarphus nervosus (Wild Squill) imbita-yebantfwana, ndvwendvweni, ziyamlandela, | |
Medicinal for rheumatic fever & dysentary | |
Schotia brachypetala (African Walnut) sihlati, sihlazi, thunzikhulu, umgcanu, uvovovo, vovovo, | |
Bark for heartburn, chest complaints, hangover, to purify blood, an emetic & for vomiting. | |
Schotia capitata (Dwarf Boer-bean) mvovovane, thunzikhulu, umvovovane, vovovo, vovovo lomncane, | |
Emetic. Bark for heart complaints. | |
Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra (Marula) emaganu, umganu, | |
Bark for dysentary, diarrhoea, malaria. | |
Sclerocroton integerrimum (Jumping Seed Tree) umhlalampunsi, umhlalampunzi, | |
Root infusion as mouthwash and for toothache. | |
Scolopia mundii (Red Pear) senzelenja, | |
Could be potential source of scopoline - thus to hide a crime. | |
Scolopia zeyheri (Thorn Pear) umbabanga, umbadlanga, umtapana, | |
Roots medicinal for chest pains and a pain killer. Also male aphrodisiac. | |
Sebaea sedoides isivumelwane esikhulu, umanqweyana, umsolo, | |
Enemas for children. | |
Secamone gerrardii (Gerrard's Secamone) insakansaka, umgcobandlovu, | |
Bark & roots for chest pains, spinal complaints & stomach cramps. Strengthens blood. | |
Secamone parvifolia makhukhumetana, makhukhumetane, milimili, | |
Medicinal | |
Selaginella imbricata (Resurrection Fern) | |
Medicinal | |
Senecio bupleuroides (Yellow Starwort) indabula-luvalo, insangansanga yentaba, isiqandamatshana, unsonkonsoko, | |
Chest & heart complaints & for easy childbirth | |
Senecio coronatus (Woolly Grassland Senecio) izonkozonko, ubulibazi, | |
Poultices, purgatives & stomach ache | |
Senecio decurrens (Groundsel) isikhathazo esimhlophe, | |
Medicinal emetic. | |
Senecio deltoideus (Groundsel) | |
Medicinal for sore eyes. | |
Senecio discodregeanus (Groundsel) | |
Medicinal for chest colds & madness | |
Senecio inornatus (Groundsel) inkanga, uhlabo, | |
Medicinal for palpitations & phthisis | |
Senecio latifolius (Molteno-disease Plant) idwakala, ingcobangcoba, uhlambahlanyana, uqedizwe, | |
Causes diseases in livestock. | |
Senecio oxyriifolius (False Nasturtium) idumbe, idumbe lasendhle, ihlula, | |
Medicinal | |
Senecio pleistocephalus (Groundsel) liphungula lengati, mnunkhu, suluzabafoti, | |
Medicinal | |
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