Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Schizocarphus nervosus    (Wild Squill)  imbita-yebantfwana,  ndvwendvweni,  ziyamlandela,
     Medicinal for rheumatic fever & dysentary
Schotia brachypetala    (African Walnut)  sihlati,  sihlazi,  thunzikhulu,  umgcanu,  uvovovo,  vovovo,
     Bark for heartburn, chest complaints, hangover, to purify blood, an emetic & for vomiting.
Schotia capitata    (Dwarf Boer-bean)  mvovovane,  thunzikhulu,  umvovovane,  vovovo,  vovovo lomncane,
     Emetic. Bark for heart complaints.
Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra    (Marula)  emaganu,  umganu,
     Bark for dysentary, diarrhoea, malaria.
Sclerocroton integerrimum    (Jumping Seed Tree)  umhlalampunsi,  umhlalampunzi,
     Root infusion as mouthwash and for toothache.
Scolopia mundii    (Red Pear)  senzelenja,
     Could be potential source of scopoline - thus to hide a crime.
Scolopia zeyheri    (Thorn Pear)  umbabanga,  umbadlanga,  umtapana,
     Roots medicinal for chest pains and a pain killer. Also male aphrodisiac.
Sebaea sedoides     isivumelwane esikhulu,  umanqweyana,  umsolo,
     Enemas for children.
Secamone gerrardii    (Gerrard's Secamone)  insakansaka,  umgcobandlovu,
     Bark & roots for chest pains, spinal complaints & stomach cramps. Strengthens blood.
Secamone parvifolia     makhukhumetana,  makhukhumetane,  milimili,
Selaginella imbricata    (Resurrection Fern)
Senecio bupleuroides    (Yellow Starwort)  indabula-luvalo,  insangansanga yentaba,  isiqandamatshana,  unsonkonsoko,
     Chest & heart complaints & for easy childbirth
Senecio coronatus    (Woolly Grassland Senecio)  izonkozonko,  ubulibazi,
     Poultices, purgatives & stomach ache
Senecio decurrens    (Groundsel)  isikhathazo esimhlophe,
     Medicinal emetic.
Senecio deltoideus    (Groundsel)
     Medicinal for sore eyes.
Senecio discodregeanus    (Groundsel)
     Medicinal for chest colds & madness
Senecio inornatus    (Groundsel)  inkanga,  uhlabo,
     Medicinal for palpitations & phthisis
Senecio latifolius    (Molteno-disease Plant)  idwakala,  ingcobangcoba,  uhlambahlanyana,  uqedizwe,
     Causes diseases in livestock.
Senecio oxyriifolius    (False Nasturtium)  idumbe,  idumbe lasendhle,  ihlula,
Senecio pleistocephalus    (Groundsel)  liphungula lengati,  mnunkhu,  suluzabafoti,
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