Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Senecio retrorsus    (Groundsel)
     Medicinal and also poisonous.
Senecio rhyncholaenus    (Groundsel)  imfenyane,
     Medicinal for colds, colic,sore hands & feet.
Senecio serratuloides var. serratuloides    (Two-day Cure)  ichazampukane,  insukumbili,  umaphozisa umkhuthelo,
     Infected sores & burns
Senecio speciosus    (Beautiful Senecio)  libohlololo,
     Treats chest complaints, dropsy & headaches.
Senecio tamoides    (Canary Creeper)  ihlozi elikhulu,  uqobaqoba,
     Treats flatulence. Traditionally also for anthrax in cattle
Senecio venosus    (Groundsel)  imfenyane,
Senna italica *   (Wild Senna)  impengu,
     Pain, snakebite and roundworm
Senna occidentalis *   (Wild Coffee)  lijoye,  likhomlsi letintfwala,  linyanyoka,
     Medicinal. Antibiotic. Leaves used to treat epilepsy.
Senna petersiana    (Monkey Pod)  lifahlawane,  lijoyi,  lujoyi,
     Antibiotic. Purgative & for fevers, skin infections & gonorrhoea.
Sesamum indicum *   (Sesame)
     Seeds are taken for dysentary & other stomach problems.
Sesbania punicea *   (Brazilian Glory Pea)
     Leaves, flowers & seeds all known to be poisonous.
Sesbania sesban    (River Bean)  umsokosoko,
     Used medicinally in Africa & Asia.
Sida acuta     indlekwane,
Sida dregei    (Spider-leg)  indlekwane,  umgayingu,
     Treat sores
Sideroxylon inerme subsp. inerme    (White Milkwood)  emaselitfole,  emasi elitfole,  masethole,  umnweba,
     Bark infusion dispels nightmares. Roots used for wounds & fevers.
Silene burchellii var. burchellii    (Gunpowder Plant)  igwayintombe elincane,  injuju,  umthusi,
     Medicinally for scrofula & a tonic.
Siphonochilus aethiopicus    (Wild Ginger)  indungulu,  sidvungule,  sidvungulu,
     Roots & rhizomes for coughs, colds & asthma. Anti-malarial.
Smilax anceps    (Thorny Rope)  inchachabulane,  inchachabutane,
     Medicinal for indigestion & numerous other ailments. Roots are infant purgative.
Smodingium argutum    (African Poison Oak)  intovane,
     Sap is very poisonous externally. Pollen also dangerous to some.
Solanum aculeastrum    (Poison Apple)  mtuma,
     Poisonous seeds. Remedy for ringworm. Fruit for bladder complaints. Ash for rheumatism.
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