Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Terminalia phanerophlebia (Lebombo Cluster-leaf) mambonjwane, umangwe, | |
Bark & roots are medicinal | |
Terminalia sericea (Silver Cluster-leaf) emangwe, mangwelamhlophe, | |
Root decoction for diarrhoea, colic, stomach disorders & pneumonia. Bark medicinal & a posion antidote. Bilharzia. | |
Tetradenia riparia (Misty Plume Bush) gilinyathi, gilinyatsi, libota, libotha, liphunga, liphungula, lphunganhlola, | |
Leaves for respiratory ailments, body itches, wounds, fevers & malaria. Roots are blood purifier. | |
Teucrium kraussii (Germander) | |
Medicinal as a tonic and for snake bites.. Treat meat infected by anthrax. | |
Thesium multiramulosum mayisaka, | |
Medicinal | |
Thesium pallidum (Yellow Thesium) umahesaka-obomvu, | |
Medicinal | |
Thilachium africanum (Cucumber Bush) vuma, | |
Roots are medicinal. | |
Thunbergia dregeana vimbikhalo, | |
Venereal diseases | |
Trachyandra asperata (Spear Grass) unjwazi, | |
Medicinal for new-born's navel. | |
Tradescantia fluminensis * (Wandering Jew) | |
Medicinal for warts. | |
Tragia meyeriana | |
Medicinal to cause sexual excitement. | |
Trema orientalis (Pigeon Wood) nsakasaka, umbalakacane, umbalakancane, umbalalaquane, umbambangwe, umphahla, | |
A medicinal tree. | |
Tribulus terrestris var. terrestris (Devil-thorns) inkunzane, | |
Fruits for genitourinary ailments, incontinence & kidney stones. | |
Tricalysia lanceolata (Jackal Coffee) cwatsi, indulwane, indvulwane, umphehla, umphela cwatsi, | |
Roots used as an emetic. | |
Trichilia dregeana (Forest Natal Mahogany) | |
Bark, seeds & leaves widely used medicinally. | |
Trichilia emetica subsp. emetica (Natal Mahogany) mkhudlu, mkuhlu, umhubhulu, | |
Bark yields an emetic purgative for lumbago, & haematuria. Seed oil taken for rheumatism. Fruit used for wounds. Root & bark for pregnancy oedema. Leaves in the bed induce sleep. | |
Trichodesma physaloides (Chocolate Bells) | |
Medicinal for wounds in Zimbabawe | |
Trichodesma zeylanicum (Late Weed) | |
Medicinal | |
Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia (Wild Mulberry) ludlebe lendlovu, mahlebe, sicandzamatje, | |
Medicinal | |
Tritonia disticha subsp. rubrolucens (Red Tritonia) isidwe esibomvu, | |
Used traditionally to treat stomach complaints in babies. | |
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