Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Medicinal
Terminalia phanerophlebia    (Lebombo Cluster-leaf)  mambonjwane,  umangwe,
     Bark & roots are medicinal
Terminalia sericea    (Silver Cluster-leaf)  emangwe,  mangwelamhlophe,
     Root decoction for diarrhoea, colic, stomach disorders & pneumonia. Bark medicinal & a posion antidote. Bilharzia.
Tetradenia riparia    (Misty Plume Bush)  gilinyathi,  gilinyatsi,  libota,  libotha,  liphunga,  liphungula,  lphunganhlola,
     Leaves for respiratory ailments, body itches, wounds, fevers & malaria. Roots are blood purifier.
Teucrium kraussii    (Germander)
     Medicinal as a tonic and for snake bites.. Treat meat infected by anthrax.
Thesium multiramulosum     mayisaka,
Thesium pallidum    (Yellow Thesium)  umahesaka-obomvu,
Thilachium africanum    (Cucumber Bush)  vuma,
     Roots are medicinal.
Thunbergia dregeana     vimbikhalo,
     Venereal diseases
Trachyandra asperata    (Spear Grass)  unjwazi,
     Medicinal for new-born's navel.
Tradescantia fluminensis *   (Wandering Jew)
     Medicinal for warts.
Tragia meyeriana   
     Medicinal to cause sexual excitement.
Trema orientalis    (Pigeon Wood)  nsakasaka,  umbalakacane,  umbalakancane,  umbalalaquane,  umbambangwe,  umphahla,
     A medicinal tree.
Tribulus terrestris var. terrestris    (Devil-thorns)  inkunzane,
     Fruits for genitourinary ailments, incontinence & kidney stones.
Tricalysia lanceolata    (Jackal Coffee)  cwatsi,  indulwane,  indvulwane,  umphehla,  umphela cwatsi,
     Roots used as an emetic.
Trichilia dregeana    (Forest Natal Mahogany)
     Bark, seeds & leaves widely used medicinally.
Trichilia emetica subsp. emetica    (Natal Mahogany)  mkhudlu,  mkuhlu,  umhubhulu,
     Bark yields an emetic purgative for lumbago, & haematuria. Seed oil taken for rheumatism. Fruit used for wounds. Root & bark for pregnancy oedema. Leaves in the bed induce sleep.
Trichodesma physaloides    (Chocolate Bells)
     Medicinal for wounds in Zimbabawe
Trichodesma zeylanicum    (Late Weed)
Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia    (Wild Mulberry)  ludlebe lendlovu,  mahlebe,  sicandzamatje,
Tritonia disticha subsp. rubrolucens    (Red Tritonia)  isidwe esibomvu,
     Used traditionally to treat stomach complaints in babies.
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