Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Soil Conservation
Arundo donax *   (Giant Reed)
     Used for erosion control but difficult to control. A problem plant is S.A.
Brachiaria humidicola    (Signal Grass)
     Erosion control
Bromus catharticus *   (Natal Bromegrass)
     Erosion control.
Chloris pycnothrix    (Finger Grass)  tjanibesiganya,
     Erosion control
Cynodon dactylon    (Couch Grass)  ngwengane,
     Erosion control
Dactyloctenium australe    (Durban Grass)
     Erosion control
Dodonaea viscosa    (Common Sand Olive)  iheji,  liheji,
     Sometimes used to consolidate sand and reclaim marshes
Eragrostis capensis    (Love Grass)
     Erosion control
Eragrostis chapelieri    (Love Grass)
     Erosion control
Eragrostis cilianensis    (Love Grass)
     Erosion control
Eragrostis curvula    (Weeping Lovegrass)
     Erosion control
Eragrostis hierniana    (Love Grass)
     Erosion control
Eragrostis plana    (Ox Grass)
     Erosion control
Eragrostis racemosa    (Narrow Love Heart Grass)
     Erosion control
Eragrostis superba    (Sawtooth Love Grass)
     Erosion control
Eragrostis tef *   (Teff)
     Erosion control
Imperata cylindrica    (Speargrass)  umtsentse,
     Erosion control but tends to be invasive.
Melinis repens subsp. repens    (Fairy Grass)
     Erosion control. Bird's nests.
Paspalum dilatatum *   (Dallas Grass)
     Erosion control
Paspalum notatum *   (Bahia Grass)
     Erosion control
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