Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Acacia baileyana * (Cootamundra Wattle) | |
Probably tannin | |
Acacia caffra (Cat Thorn) isinga, lisinga, lugagane, singa, umtfolo, umtfololwane, | |
Dyes & tanning. | |
Acacia dealbata * (Silver Wattle) umtfolo wesilungu, | |
Wattle & tannin | |
Acacia decurrens * (Green Wattle) umtfolo wesilungu, | |
Wattle & tannin | |
Acacia elata * (Cedar Wattle) umtfolo, | |
Probably tannin | |
Acacia karroo (Sweet Thorn) isinga, lisinga, singa, umgamatsi, umunga, | |
Tanning leather red. | |
Acacia longifolia * (Sidney Golden Wattle) | |
Wattle & tannin | |
Acacia mearnsii * (Black Wattle) umtfolo, umtfolo wesilungu, | |
Wattle & tannin | |
Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana (Scented Thorn) inshagu, inshakwe, lugagane, sitfetfe, sitfwetfwe, umncawe, | |
Dye | |
Acacia podalyriifolia * (Queensland Silver Wattle) | |
Probably tannin | |
Acacia robusta (Brack Thorn) imgamba, singa, umgamazi, umngamazi, umngamti, | |
Tannin leather | |
Alectra sessiliflora | |
Dye | |
Aloe cryptopoda (Hill Aloe) | |
Dye for wool - reddish brown or purplish-red. | |
Berchemia discolor (Bird Plum) uvuka, | |
Bark yields brown or purple dye. | |
Caesalpinia decapetala * (Mauritius Thorn) lugagame, lugagane, | |
Red dye from wood. | |
Combretum erythrophyllum (River Bushwillow) imbondvo lemhlophe, umdvubu, | |
Brown dye obtained from roots. | |
Combretum molle (Velvet Bush Willow) imbondvo lemhlophe, imbondvo lemnyama, inkhukutwane, umhlakuvane, | |
Red dye | |
Curtisia dentata (Assegai Tree) isinwati, lincayi, lisinwati, umboyi, | |
Bark used for tanning | |
Dais cotinifolia (Pompon Tree) intfocwane, | |
Bark contains tannin. | |
Datura stramonium * (Common Thorn Apple) lijowe, lijoye, liljowe, umkhuna, | |
Blue-gree dye from leaves. | |
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