IUCN Species Information Service (SIS) Toolkit
Assessment Report

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family
Scientific Name: Cyphia bolusii
Species Authority: E.Phillips
Common Name/s:
Synonym/s: -
Taxonomic Notes: -
Assessment Information
Red List Category & Criteria: NT B1b(iii)+2b(iii)
Year Assessed: 2023
Assessor/s: Braun, K. & Loffler, L.
Reviewer/s: Raimondo, D.
This species has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 2 415 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) is 72 km2.  There are ongoing threats to this plant from habitat degradation from overgrazing by livestock through most of its range, urban development and possible expansion of forestry plantations.  It is inferred that the population is experiencing ongoing decline, with seventeen locations recorded this species qualifies for listing as Near Threatened under criterion B.
History: -
Geographic Range
Range Description: This species has been recorded from the highveld in north west Eswatini, and in adjacent areas in Mpumalanga, South Africa
Countries: Native:
Eswatini; KwaZulu-Natal; Mpumalanga;
Population: No detailed population surveys have been conducted for this species.  It appears to be fairly widespread within the Eswatini highveld areas, in grassland that has not been subjected to heavy grazing and burning.  However, it is inferred that the population is declining due to habitat degradation from ongoing livestock grazing, urban sprawl and habitat loss due to forestry plantation expansion.  For the purposes of this assessment, it has been assumed that this species still occurs in localities from older records as appropriate habitat still exists in these areas.
Population Trend: Decreasing
Habitat and Ecology
Habitat and Ecology: This species has been recorded from primarily grassland areas, in vegetation types KaNgwane Montane Grassland (Gm16), Ithala Quartzite Sourveld (Gs2), Barberton Montane Grassland (Gm17), and Swaziland Sour Bushveld (SVI14) within Eswatini, and from Barberton Montane Grassland (Gm17) in South Africa (Mucina et. al. 2018).  The two records which appear to be from the Swaziland Sour Bushveld might be misleading, due to only approximate locality information being available for these records.
List of Habitats: 4 Grassland
4.7 Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude
Major Threat(s): The highveld grassland areas both in Eswatini and South Africa are under pressure from ongoing heavy livestock grazing, urban development and expansion of forestry plantations.
List of Threats: 1 Residential & commercial development
1.1 Housing & urban areas
2 Agriculture & aquaculture
2.2 Wood & pulp plantations
2.2.2 Agro-industry plantations
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching
2.3.2 Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming
Conservation Actions
Conservation Actions: The known distribution of this species includes records from Malolotja Nature Reserve in Eswatini and Songimvelo Game Reserve in South Africa.  These however only account for a small proportion of the range of this species.
List of Conservation Actions: -
  Bachman, S., Moat, J., Hill, A.W., de la Torre, J. and Scott, B. 2011. Supporting Red List threat assessments with GeoCAT geospatial conservation tool. In: Smith V, Penev L (Eds) e-Infrastructure for data publishing in biodiversity science. . ZooKeys 150: 117-126.
Mucina, L., Rutherford, M.C. and Powrie, L.W. (Editors). 2018. The Vegetation Map of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. South African National Biodiversity Institute. Available at: http://bgis.sanbi.org/Projects/Detail/186.
Citation: -