IUCN Species Information Service (SIS) Toolkit
Assessment Report

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family
Scientific Name: Drimiopsis reilleyana
Species Authority: U.Müll.-Doblies & D.Müll.-Doblies
Common Name/s:
Synonym/s: Ledebouria reilleyana (U.Müll.-Doblies & D.Müll.-Doblies) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt
Taxonomic Notes: -
Assessment Information
Red List Category & Criteria: Vulnerable D2
Year Assessed: 2023
Assessor/s: Braun, K.
Reviewer/s: Raimondo, D.
This species is known from only two locations, where it is potentially threatened by overgrazing and trampling by game and livestock. Based on its very restricted extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) of 8 km2 it  has been assessed as Vulnerable under Criterion D.
History: -
Geographic Range
Range Description: This plant is known from two subpopulations in the Eswatini lowveld.
Countries: Native:
Population: This plant is known from two subpopulations, represented by three herbarium collections first collected in 1981 by the Muller-Doblies in Mkhaya Game Reserve, and then found again at this locality and another one nearby in 2000.  No detailed population information was recorded.  There have been no recent searches for this species therefore the population trend is unknown.
Population Trend: Unknown
Habitat and Ecology
Habitat and Ecology: This species is known from the savanna biome,  occurring in Delagoa Lowveld (SVI4) and Granite Lowveld (SVI3) vegetation types (Mucina et. al. 2018).  No additional habitat information is currently available.
List of Habitats: 2 Savanna
2.2 Savanna - Moist
Major Threat(s): No information is currently available on threats to this species. However, since it occurs in a Game Reserve it faces the potential threat of trampling and overgrazing by large game species.
List of Threats: 2 Agriculture & aquaculture
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching
2.3.4 Scale Unknown/Unrecorded
Conservation Actions
Conservation Actions: This plant is known from two subpopulations, one within Mkhaya Game Reserve.  The reserve is not managed for plant conservation, so might not provide any protection for this species.  There is no current information on the population status, or on the life history or ecology of this species.
List of Conservation Actions: 1 Land/water protection
1.2 Resource & habitat protection
3 Species management
3.4 Ex-situ conservation
3.4.2 Genome resource bank
  Bachman, S., Moat, J., Hill, A.W., de la Torre, J. and Scott, B. 2011. Supporting Red List threat assessments with GeoCAT geospatial conservation tool. In: Smith V, Penev L (Eds) e-Infrastructure for data publishing in biodiversity science. . ZooKeys 150: 117-126.
Mucina, L., Rutherford, M.C. and Powrie, L.W. (Editors). 2018. The Vegetation Map of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. South African National Biodiversity Institute. Available at: http://bgis.sanbi.org/Projects/Detail/186.
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