IUCN Species Information Service (SIS) Toolkit
Assessment Report

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family
Scientific Name: Ornithogalum annae-ameliae
Species Authority: U.Müll.-Doblies & D.Müll.-Doblies
Common Name/s:
Synonym/s: -
Taxonomic Notes: -
Assessment Information
Red List Category & Criteria: Least Concern N/A
Year Assessed: 2023
Assessor/s: Braun, K. & Loffler, L.
Reviewer/s: Raimondo, D.
This species has a restricted distribution, and is known from about 16 subpopulations. It is known from northwestern Eswatini and adjacent areas in South Africa, with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 844 km2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) of 60 km2.  Although its known subpopulations are not within protected areas, it is found on rocky hilltops, sheltered by boulders, which provide protection from the potential threat of overgrazing by livestock and burning.  Based on this, it has been assumed that the population is stable, and it is listed as Least Concern. 
History: -
Geographic Range
Range Description: This species has a restricted distribution in the Eswatini highveld and has been recorded in South Africa, north-west of Eswatini, near the border.  It is possible that this species is under-collected, due to its small size it is easily overlooked.
Countries: Native:
Eswatini; Mpumalanga;
Population: No population surveys have been conducted, however, there are multiple records and no significant threats hence the population is suspected to be stable.
Population Trend: Stable
Habitat and Ecology
Habitat and Ecology: It is found on hilltops, usually sheltered by large boulders, in moist, peaty soil.  The plant is found in vegetation types KaNgwane Montane Grassland (Gm16) and Barberton Montane Grassland (Gm17) (Mucina et. al., 2018).
List of Habitats: 4 Grassland
4.7 Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude
Major Threat(s): Due to the micro habitat being at the base of large boulders in moist shallow peaty soil, this provides the plants with some protection from grazing and burning, and it is probable that the population is not declining.  Major land use changes might affect this species in future, however there are currently no known significant plans for development within its range.
List of Threats: -
Conservation Actions
Conservation Actions: It is not found within any formal protected areas, although it has been recorded within the area of a proposed conservancy.  Due to the occurrence of other priority species in very similar habitats, the establishment of conservation areas would provide protection for this plant as well.  It is possible that this species is more widely distributed than current records indicate, more fieldwork is required to determine this.
List of Conservation Actions: 1 Land/water protection
1.2 Resource & habitat protection
  Bachman, S., Moat, J., Hill, A.W., de la Torre, J. and Scott, B. 2011. Supporting Red List threat assessments with GeoCAT geospatial conservation tool. In: Smith V, Penev L (Eds) e-Infrastructure for data publishing in biodiversity science. . ZooKeys 150: 117-126.
Mucina, L., Rutherford, M.C. and Powrie, L.W. (Editors). 2018. The Vegetation Map of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. South African National Biodiversity Institute. Available at: http://bgis.sanbi.org/Projects/Detail/186.
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