Fauna - Vertebrates

Diplacodes lefebvrii - Black Percher

Phylum: Arthropoda, Class: Insecta, Order: Odonata, Family: Libellulidae - Skimmers, Dropwings
Diplacodes lefebvrii
Black Percher

More information on this species


Photographer/Source: Christopher K Willis - © Christopher K Willis

body all black, small amber patch at base of hindwing (male)

body all black, small amber patch at base of hindwing (male)

body black with yellowish side stripe, small amber patch at base of hindwing (female)

body black with yellowish side stripe, small amber patch at base of hindwing (female)

More photos on other websites:
Look for Diplacodes_lefebvrii on iNaturalist
UCT Animal Demography Unit Virtual Museum

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