Fauna - Vertebrates
Species Information

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534.  Banded Martin
(Banded martin )   (Riparia cincta )
Siswati: inkonjane  
Uncommon breeding summer migrant in the highveld.


Malolotja Information:
Common intra-African migrant, recorded throughout.

Malolotja information from the Bird Checklist for Malolotja (printed in the late 1980's, sponsored by the Natural History Society of Eswatini), supplemented with information from Roberts' Birds of Southern Africa, 1985.

Checklist, comments and distribution information from the Eswatini Bird Atlas by Vincent Parker, digital data provided by the Avian Demography Unit, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Cape Town (http://www.aviandemographyunit.org). SiSwati names from SNTC and Big Game Parks.

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Eswatini Birds Checklist

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UCT-ADU Virtual Museum BirdPix
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