Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Acacia karroo (Sweet Thorn) isinga, lisinga, singa, umgamatsi, umunga, | |
Frequented by honey bees. Sometimes called the "bee tree". | |
Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens (Black Thorn) | |
A good "bee tree". | |
Acacia robusta (Brack Thorn) imgamba, singa, umgamazi, umngamazi, umngamti, | |
Honey | |
Blumea dregeanoides | |
Honey Plant. | |
Brachylaena discolor (Coast Silver Oak) mhlume, umhlume, umphahla, umphahlo, | |
Bees that use this tree produce good honey. | |
Buddleja saligna (False Olive) | |
Bee fodder | |
Buddleja salviifolia (Sagewood) | |
Plant popular with beekeepers for honey production. | |
Burchellia bubalina (Wild Pomegranate) intfumba-dloti, mahlosana, | |
Bee forage | |
Clerodendrum glabrum var. glabrum (White Cat's Whiskers) umphehlacwatsi, umphelacwatsi, | |
Sweet scented flower for bees. | |
Crassula ovata (Stonecrop) | |
Attracts bees | |
Crotalaria natalitia var. natalitia (Pioneer Rattle Pod) | |
Honey plant. | |
Dicliptera divaricata (False Buckwheat) | |
Honey | |
Diospyros lycioides (Quilted Bluebush) lomhlophe, umcafudane, umchafutane, umchafutane lomhlophe, | |
Excellent bee plant. | |
Drypetes gerrardii (Forest Ironplum) umhlwakela, umhlwakele, | |
Nectar source for bees. | |
Ethulia conyzoides subsp. conyzoides * (Blue Weed) umsokosoko, | |
A honey plant. | |
Faurea saligna (African Red Beech) | |
Important nectar source for bees. | |
Gazania krebsiana subsp. serrulata (Common Gazania) impephotshani, isiphephane, | |
Bees visit Gazanias | |
Isoglossa ciliata | |
Honey | |
Justicia protracta subsp. protracta (Veld Justica) | |
Honey | |
Karomia speciosa (Parasol Flower) | |
Flowers attract bees | |
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