Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Honey
Acacia karroo    (Sweet Thorn)  isinga,  lisinga,  singa,  umgamatsi,  umunga,
     Frequented by honey bees. Sometimes called the "bee tree".
Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens    (Black Thorn)
     A good "bee tree".
Acacia robusta    (Brack Thorn)  imgamba,  singa,  umgamazi,  umngamazi,  umngamti,
Blumea dregeanoides   
     Honey Plant.
Brachylaena discolor    (Coast Silver Oak)  mhlume,  umhlume,  umphahla,  umphahlo,
     Bees that use this tree produce good honey.
Buddleja saligna    (False Olive)
     Bee fodder
Buddleja salviifolia    (Sagewood)
     Plant popular with beekeepers for honey production.
Burchellia bubalina    (Wild Pomegranate)  intfumba-dloti,  mahlosana,
     Bee forage
Clerodendrum glabrum var. glabrum    (White Cat's Whiskers)  umphehlacwatsi,  umphelacwatsi,
     Sweet scented flower for bees.
Crassula ovata    (Stonecrop)
     Attracts bees
Crotalaria natalitia var. natalitia    (Pioneer Rattle Pod)
     Honey plant.
Dicliptera divaricata    (False Buckwheat)
Diospyros lycioides    (Quilted Bluebush)  lomhlophe,  umcafudane,  umchafutane,  umchafutane lomhlophe,
     Excellent bee plant.
Drypetes gerrardii    (Forest Ironplum)  umhlwakela,  umhlwakele,
     Nectar source for bees.
Ethulia conyzoides subsp. conyzoides *   (Blue Weed)  umsokosoko,
     A honey plant.
Faurea saligna    (African Red Beech)
     Important nectar source for bees.
Gazania krebsiana subsp. serrulata    (Common Gazania)  impephotshani,  isiphephane,
     Bees visit Gazanias
Isoglossa ciliata   
Justicia protracta subsp. protracta    (Veld Justica)
Karomia speciosa    (Parasol Flower)
     Flowers attract bees
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