Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus (Lucky Bean) | |
The poisonous seeds used as ornaments on ceramics or necklaces. | |
Acacia ataxacantha (Flame Thorn) funuzumhole, lugagane, magucu, migamandi, sitfwetfwe, umkhaya, | |
Branches for basketry and other crafts. | |
Acacia burkei (Black Monkey Thorn) sikhayane, umbambampala, umbambamphala, umkhaya, | |
Handicrafts & furniture | |
Acacia caffra (Cat Thorn) isinga, lisinga, lugagane, singa, umtfolo, umtfololwane, | |
Tobacco pipes | |
Acacia karroo (Sweet Thorn) isinga, lisinga, singa, umgamatsi, umunga, | |
Bark for baskets & ropes & wood for furniture. | |
Acacia mearnsii * (Black Wattle) umtfolo, umtfolo wesilungu, | |
Used for a wide variety of products. Fibre board, cellophane etcetera. | |
Acacia melanoxylon * (Australian Blackwood) ingucukane, ingulukane, ngulukane, umtfolo, | |
Fine furniture. | |
Acacia natalitia (Natal Thorn) singa, umunga, | |
Seeds for necklaces & trinkets. | |
Acacia nigrescens (Knobthorn) mkhaya, ukhaya, umhlofunga, umkhaya, umkyayo, | |
Handicrafts & furniture. Favourite wood for making "jukskeie". | |
Acacia robusta (Brack Thorn) imgamba, singa, umgamazi, umngamazi, umngamti, | |
Handicrafts & furniture. Inner bark makes twine. | |
Acacia sieberiana (Paperbark Thorn) inkhambane, sitfwetfwe, umkhambane, umnganduzi, | |
Furniture | |
Acacia swazica (Swazi Thorn) khalimela, lubibi, sasane, sitfwetfwe, | |
Bark used for making ropes. | |
Acalypha glabrata var. glabrata (Forest False Nettle) | |
Baskets | |
Afzelia quanzensis (Pod Mahogany) mkolikoli, umbola, umkholikholi, umkhwalikhwali, umshafunti, | |
Seeds for necklaces & trinkets. Wood for furniture and canoes. | |
Agave sisalana * (Sisal) halibhoma, | |
Used for sisal ropes and string. Leaf can yield both needle & thread. | |
Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia (Flat Crown) inhlangushane, inhlangutjane, ligowane, sivangatana, sivangatane, umkhabamkhombe, usolo, | |
Leaves sometimes used as washing sponge. | |
Albizia forbesii (Broad-pod FalseThorn) sivangatane, umnala, | |
Wood used for carving. | |
Albizia versicolor (Large Leaved Falsethorn) halibhona , imfiayezi, inhlaba, mhlakaza, sivangatana, sivangatane, umvangatana, | |
Drums & furniture & carving. Root & bark for a soap substitute. | |
Aleurites moluccana * (Candlenut Tree) | |
Oily seed kernals crushed and used as a fuel for a torch or candle. | |
Allophylus decipiens (False Currant) | |
Cabinets | |
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