Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Household
Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus    (Lucky Bean)
     The poisonous seeds used as ornaments on ceramics or necklaces.
Acacia ataxacantha    (Flame Thorn)  funuzumhole,  lugagane,  magucu,  migamandi,  sitfwetfwe,  umkhaya,
     Branches for basketry and other crafts.
Acacia burkei    (Black Monkey Thorn)  sikhayane,  umbambampala,  umbambamphala,  umkhaya,
     Handicrafts & furniture
Acacia caffra    (Cat Thorn)  isinga,  lisinga,  lugagane,  singa,  umtfolo,  umtfololwane,
     Tobacco pipes
Acacia karroo    (Sweet Thorn)  isinga,  lisinga,  singa,  umgamatsi,  umunga,
     Bark for baskets & ropes & wood for furniture.
Acacia mearnsii *   (Black Wattle)  umtfolo,  umtfolo wesilungu,
     Used for a wide variety of products. Fibre board, cellophane etcetera.
Acacia melanoxylon *   (Australian Blackwood)  ingucukane,  ingulukane,  ngulukane,  umtfolo,
     Fine furniture.
Acacia natalitia    (Natal Thorn)  singa,  umunga,
     Seeds for necklaces & trinkets.
Acacia nigrescens    (Knobthorn)  mkhaya,  ukhaya,  umhlofunga,  umkhaya,  umkyayo,
     Handicrafts & furniture. Favourite wood for making "jukskeie".
Acacia robusta    (Brack Thorn)  imgamba,  singa,  umgamazi,  umngamazi,  umngamti,
     Handicrafts & furniture. Inner bark makes twine.
Acacia sieberiana    (Paperbark Thorn)  inkhambane,  sitfwetfwe,  umkhambane,  umnganduzi,
Acacia swazica    (Swazi Thorn)  khalimela,  lubibi,  sasane,  sitfwetfwe,
     Bark used for making ropes.
Acalypha glabrata var. glabrata    (Forest False Nettle)
Afzelia quanzensis    (Pod Mahogany)  mkolikoli,  umbola,  umkholikholi,  umkhwalikhwali,  umshafunti,
     Seeds for necklaces & trinkets. Wood for furniture and canoes.
Agave sisalana *   (Sisal)  halibhoma,
     Used for sisal ropes and string. Leaf can yield both needle & thread.
Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia    (Flat Crown)  inhlangushane,  inhlangutjane,  ligowane,  sivangatana,  sivangatane,  umkhabamkhombe,  usolo,
     Leaves sometimes used as washing sponge.
Albizia forbesii    (Broad-pod FalseThorn)  sivangatane,  umnala,
     Wood used for carving.
Albizia versicolor    (Large Leaved Falsethorn)  halibhona ,  imfiayezi,  inhlaba,  mhlakaza,  sivangatana,  sivangatane,  umvangatana,
     Drums & furniture & carving. Root & bark for a soap substitute.
Aleurites moluccana *   (Candlenut Tree)
     Oily seed kernals crushed and used as a fuel for a torch or candle.
Allophylus decipiens    (False Currant)
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