Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha (White Thorn) umtfolo, umtfolowesiganga, umtfolowesintfu, | |
Deterrent to snakes & crocodiles. | |
Acokanthera oppositifolia (Bushman's Poison) inhlanguyane, inhlungunyemba, luzekwa, mutsimulisa, sibhanku, umhlakahliso, | |
Snake deterrent. | |
Adenium multiflorum (Impala Lily) | |
Used as fish poison and on arrow-heads. | |
Aloe castanea (Cat's Tail Aloe) | |
The ash left after burning leaves is used as weevil repellent. | |
Andrachne ovalis (False Lightning Bush) umbesa, umbeza, | |
Powdered roots an insecticide & snake repellent. Scalp parasites. | |
Balanites maughamii subsp. maughamii (Torchwood) liphambo, umnulu, umnunu, umnununu, | |
Fruits are lethal for snails, some aquatic life including bilharzia fluke. | |
Bulbine frutescens (Stalked Bulbine) | |
Aromatic pesticide | |
Celtis gomphophylla (Bastard White Stinkwood) umvumvu, | |
Bark can be hung out to act as a snake repellent. | |
Commiphora africana (Poison-grub Tree) liminyela, | |
Termite insecticide. Diamphidia (poison arrow beetle) feast on it. | |
Conyza canadensis * (Canadian Fleabane) | |
Insect repellent. | |
Cucumis metuliferus (Jelly Melon) | |
Pesticidal | |
Pesticidal | |
Cucumis metuliferus (Jelly Melon) | |
Pesticidal | |
Pesticidal | |
Dactyloctenium aegyptium (Duck Grass) | |
Bruised seeds are a fish poison. | |
Drimia altissima (Tall White Squill) kutula, lukhovu, mahlanganisa, silulwane, ukutula, umhlabelo, unshlabelo, | |
Bulb is a molluscicide | |
Erythrophleum lasianthum (Swazi Ordeal Tree) umhlahle, umkhankhu, umkhwangu, | |
Leaves used to protect grain from insects. Bark used as fish poison. | |
Euphorbia ingens (Common Tree Euphorbia) inshumpha, inshupa, umkloklo, | |
Fish poison. | |
Euphorbia tirucalli (Rubber Euphorbia) umdvute, umnduze, | |
Insect repellent, insecticide & fish poison. | |
Garcinia gerrardii (Forest Mangosteen) sikhelamfene, | |
Latex from roots a snail poison. | |
Leonotis leonurus (Lion's Ear) imunyane, umcwili, utshwala-bezinyoni, | |
Charm as snake repellent. | |
Lippia javanica (Lemon Bush) luhlanga, msutane, musutane, mutshwane, mutswane, umsutane, umswazi, | |
Leaves are a mosquito replellent. Fumes from crushing used to drug bees. | |
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SiSwati names (alphabetical order)
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