Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Insecticidal
Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha    (White Thorn)  umtfolo,  umtfolowesiganga,  umtfolowesintfu,
     Deterrent to snakes & crocodiles.
Acokanthera oppositifolia    (Bushman's Poison)  inhlanguyane,  inhlungunyemba,  luzekwa,  mutsimulisa,  sibhanku,  umhlakahliso,
     Snake deterrent.
Adenium multiflorum    (Impala Lily)
     Used as fish poison and on arrow-heads.
Aloe castanea    (Cat's Tail Aloe)
     The ash left after burning leaves is used as weevil repellent.
Andrachne ovalis    (False Lightning Bush)  umbesa,  umbeza,
     Powdered roots an insecticide & snake repellent. Scalp parasites.
Balanites maughamii subsp. maughamii    (Torchwood)  liphambo,  umnulu,  umnunu,  umnununu,
     Fruits are lethal for snails, some aquatic life including bilharzia fluke.
Bulbine frutescens    (Stalked Bulbine)
     Aromatic pesticide
Celtis gomphophylla    (Bastard White Stinkwood)  umvumvu,
     Bark can be hung out to act as a snake repellent.
Commiphora africana    (Poison-grub Tree)  liminyela,
     Termite insecticide. Diamphidia (poison arrow beetle) feast on it.
Conyza canadensis *   (Canadian Fleabane)
     Insect repellent.
Cucumis metuliferus    (Jelly Melon)
Cucumis metuliferus    (Jelly Melon)
Dactyloctenium aegyptium    (Duck Grass)
     Bruised seeds are a fish poison.
Drimia altissima    (Tall White Squill)  kutula,  lukhovu,  mahlanganisa,  silulwane,  ukutula,  umhlabelo,  unshlabelo,
     Bulb is a molluscicide
Erythrophleum lasianthum    (Swazi Ordeal Tree)  umhlahle,  umkhankhu,  umkhwangu,
     Leaves used to protect grain from insects. Bark used as fish poison.
Euphorbia ingens    (Common Tree Euphorbia)  inshumpha,  inshupa,  umkloklo,
     Fish poison.
Euphorbia tirucalli    (Rubber Euphorbia)  umdvute,  umnduze,
     Insect repellent, insecticide & fish poison.
Garcinia gerrardii    (Forest Mangosteen)  sikhelamfene,
     Latex from roots a snail poison.
Leonotis leonurus    (Lion's Ear)  imunyane,  umcwili,  utshwala-bezinyoni,
     Charm as snake repellent.
Lippia javanica    (Lemon Bush)  luhlanga,  msutane,  musutane,  mutshwane,  mutswane,  umsutane,  umswazi,
     Leaves are a mosquito replellent. Fumes from crushing used to drug bees.
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