Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Acacia caffra (Cat Thorn) isinga, lisinga, lugagane, singa, umtfolo, umtfololwane, | |
Leaves & pods are grazed but suspected of causing poisoning. | |
Acacia karroo (Sweet Thorn) isinga, lisinga, singa, umgamatsi, umunga, | |
Leaves & pods make excellent fodder. | |
Acacia luederitzii var. retinens (Belly Thorn) lukhakho, sibanbimphala, | |
Forage & fodder | |
Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens (Black Thorn) | |
Valuable fodder tree for game or stock. | |
Acacia senegal (Three Hook Thorn) ambambimphala, sibanbimphala, umbambimphala, | |
Forage | |
Acacia sieberiana (Paperbark Thorn) inkhambane, sitfwetfwe, umkhambane, umnganduzi, | |
Pods eaten by game and stock but fruit may be poisonous. | |
Acacia tortilis subsp. heteracantha (Umbrella Thorn) lisasa, sasanelomncane, sitfetfe, sitfwetfwe, umsasane, | |
Pods are very nutritious for cattle and game. | |
Adenium multiflorum (Impala Lily) | |
Fodder. Browsed by game, goats & cattle but can be poisonous. | |
Adenium obesum (Desert Rose) | |
Heavily browsed by game and stock | |
Afzelia quanzensis (Pod Mahogany) mkolikoli, umbola, umkholikholi, umkhwalikhwali, umshafunti, | |
Fodder & forage | |
Alloteropsis semialata (Blackseed Grass) | |
Pasture grass. | |
Aloe parvibracteata (Aloes) emahala, | |
Monkeys, rhino & antelope eat leaves & flowers | |
Ammocharis coranica (Ground Lily) icukudo, incukudwane, isidiya, umbhodiya, | |
Leaves browsed by stock. Bulb is poisonous. | |
Andropogon chinensis (Beard Grass) | |
Fodder | |
Andropogon gayanus var. polycladus (Beard Grass) | |
Fodder | |
Andropogon schirensis (Beard Grass) | |
Fodder | |
Aneilema aequinoctiale (Clinging Aneilma) idangamane, idwangubane, indvwangubane, | |
Fodder. Pig's food | |
Aneilema dregeanum (Blue Aneilma) | |
Fodder. Pig's food | |
Aneilema hockii | |
Fodder. Pig's food | |
Arundinella nepalensis (River Grass) | |
Pasture grass. | |
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
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