Fauna - Vertebrates

Eswatini's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses

Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005

SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:

Usage Category: Cultural
Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus    (Lucky Bean)
     Love charms
Acacia karroo    (Sweet Thorn)  isinga,  lisinga,  singa,  umgamatsi,  umunga,
Acacia nigrescens    (Knobthorn)  mkhaya,  ukhaya,  umhlofunga,  umkhaya,  umkyayo,
Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha    (White Thorn)  umtfolo,  umtfolowesiganga,  umtfolowesintfu,
     Magical properties.
Acacia senegal    (Three Hook Thorn)  ambambimphala,  sibanbimphala,  umbambimphala,
Acacia swazica    (Swazi Thorn)  khalimela,  lubibi,  sasane,  sitfwetfwe,
Acacia tortilis subsp. heteracantha    (Umbrella Thorn)  lisasa,  sasanelomncane,  sitfetfe,  sitfwetfwe,  umsasane,
Acalypha villicaulis    (Brooms & Brushes)  umphendulo,
     Magic-medico to remove bad luck.
Acridocarpus natalitius    (Moth Fruit)  mabophe,  mobophe,
     Is reputed to ward off dangers & give protection. Also a love charm.
Aerangis mystacidii   
     Love or protective charm.
Afzelia quanzensis    (Pod Mahogany)  mkolikoli,  umbola,  umkholikholi,  umkhwalikhwali,  umshafunti,
     Traditional. Magical properties to ward off attack. Washing in an infusion bark & roots brings good luck to huntsman.
Agapanthus inapertus subsp. intermedius    (Drooping Agapanthus)
     Good luck charm.
Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia    (Flat Crown)  inhlangushane,  inhlangutjane,  ligowane,  sivangatana,  sivangatane,  umkhabamkhombe,  usolo,
     Clarifies dreams and stops bad spirits. Helps ancestor communication
Albizia versicolor    (Large Leaved Falsethorn)  halibhona ,  imfiayezi,  inhlaba,  mhlakaza,  sivangatana,  sivangatane,  umvangatana,
     Used to make mischief with others. Acquistion of metaphysical powers. Used by sangoma in washing ceremonies.
Albuca fastigiata    (Spreading White Albuca)  umaphipha-intelezi,
     Used as protective charm.
Albuca setosa    (Small White Albuca)  gibi'z'phoso,  ingcina,  mfazothethayo,
     Ritual cleansing & to end quarrels. Lightning protection.
Alepidea amatymbica    (Giant Alepidea)  inkhatsankhatsa,  likhatsato,
     Smoking to connect with ancestors & divining. Wash divining bones.
Allophylus africanus var. africanus    (Black False Currant)
     Magico-medicinal uses.
Aloe arborescens    (Krantz Aloe)  imbovane,  incena,
     Good luck
Aloe barberae    (Eastern Tree Aloe)
     Planted around homesteads for hut protection.
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