Fauna - Vertebrates

Distribution Map

Anthocleista grandiflora
tree, leaves    fruit    tree    flower    leaves   
flower    flower    tree, leaves    trees    leaves   

Forest Big-leaf
Forest Fever Tree

Gentianaceae  Potalieae Potaliinae

As at April 2024, 5 herbarium specimens, 8 photo records, 44 visual observations

South African Red List status: LC
Global Distribution: Also occurs outside southern Africa
Found within protected areas: Mantenga Malolotja
Flora Protection Act: Schedule B

Description (Compton's Flora of Swaziland*):
Anthocleista grandiflora - (Umhobohobo) Middle-sized to tall tree with erect trunk. Leaves clustered at end of branches, on young plant sometimes up to 1,2 m long x 40 cm broad, smaller on older branching plants. Inflorescences stout, terminal and lateral, repeatedly forking. Calyx of four segments, two outer clasping two inner. Corolla white or cream, cylindrical tube up to c 3,5 cm long, lobes 8—16, nearly as long, recurving, rather fleshy. Stamens as many as corolla lobes, alternating with them, filaments shortly joined at base. Ovary two-celled with many ovules. Fruit shortly oval, coat leathery, rather rough, c 3 cm long X 2 cm diarn, shortly stalked inside persistent calyx; seeds numerous, embedded in pulp.

* Where species names have changed, these have been matched according to herbarium specimens quoted in this publication.

Global distribution information: southern Africa includes southern Mozambique and southern Zimbabwe.
Restricted distribution has been based on an estimated extent of occurence of less than 100 000 km2 and/or an estimated area of occupancy of 100 km2, based on geo-referenced GBIF and iNaturalist data.

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