Fauna - Vertebrates

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Orthosiphon vernalis
plants    flowers   
(Orthosiphon sp.)

Lamiaceae Nepetoideae Ocimeae Ociminae

Eswatini Red List status (2024): EN - Endangered B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)

As at April 2024, 8 herbarium specimens, 1 photo record

IUCN Red List: EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)

Global Distribution: Endemic to Eswatini
Flora Protection Act: Schedule B

Description (Compton's Flora of Swaziland*):
Orthosiphon vernalis - Perennial with woody rootstock; shoots single or few, erect, usually unbranched, up to c 30 cm high. Leaves opposite, stalk up to 2 mm long, blade lance-shaped to oval, up to 3 cm long X 1,5 cm wide, roughly hairy with numerous reddish gland-dots below, a few above; margins entire or wavy. Flowers on the upper 15 cm or less of the shoot, clusters well spaced, stalks up to 5 mm long. Calyx two-lipped, purplish, c 6 mm long, upper lip broad oval, lower with four triangular teeth. Corolla two-lipped, purple, woolly-hairy, tube up to 8 mm long, upper lip erect, lower horizontal, concave; stamens protruding.

* Where species names have changed, these have been matched according to herbarium specimens quoted in this publication.

Global distribution information: southern Africa includes southern Mozambique and southern Zimbabwe.
Restricted distribution has been based on an estimated extent of occurence of less than 100 000 km2 and/or an estimated area of occupancy of 100 km2, based on geo-referenced GBIF and iNaturalist data.

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