As at April 2024, 24 herbarium specimens, 12 photo records, 122 visual observations
South African Red List status: LC
Global Distribution: Also occurs outside southern Africa
Found within protected areas: Mantenga Malolotja
Other uses
Description (Compton's Flora of Swaziland*):
Halleria lucida - (Umbinda) Irregular tree, up to 8 m high, with rough bark, hairless throughout. Leaves opposite, stalks c 1 cm long; blades oval, tapenng to base and to long narrow tip, margins slightly toothed, up to 7 cm long x 3,5 cm wide Rowers in small irregular clusters and solitary in leaf-axils and also on old woody stems, long-stalked. Calyx 3-5-lobed, wide open. Corolla with four or five more or less equal lobes, orange or tomato coloured, tube curved, gradually widening upwards, up to 3 cm long x c 8 mm diam at mouth. Stamens usually four, protruding; anthers horse-shoe-shaped. Ovary two-chambered with several ovules. Fruit spherical, fleshy, red, c 1 cm diam.
* Where species names have changed, these have been matched according to herbarium specimens quoted in this publication.
Global distribution information: southern Africa includes southern Mozambique and southern Zimbabwe.
Restricted distribution has been based on an estimated extent of occurence of less than 100 000 km2 and/or an estimated area of occupancy of 100 km2, based on geo-referenced GBIF and iNaturalist data.
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