Fauna - Vertebrates

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Cephalaria petiolata

Caprifoliaceae Dipsacoideae  

Eswatini Red List status (2002): LR lc

Global status (2024) Taxonomic review, no longer a separate species, 2 herbarium specimens

IUCN Red List: EN, B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii) (Draft: 2023)

Global Distribution: NE1, Endemic to Limpopo Mpumalanga Eswatini Escarpment centre of endemism
Found within protected areas: Malolotja

Description (Compton's Flora of Swaziland*):
Cephalaria petiolata - Perennial. Aerial shoot solitary. Stem slender, hairless, slightly ribbed, usually unbranched, up to 70 cm high, ending in single flowerhead. Leaves few, stalks slender, up to 20 cm long, blade lance-shaped, pointed, entire or with few short teeth, sparsely hairy on one or both surfaces, up to 9 cm long X 3 cm wide, usually less. Flower-head c 3 cm diam; outer bracts dark-coloured, c 3 mm wide, blunt, inner narrower and pointed, all silky-hairy. Corolla white, silky outside, tube c 7 mm long, lobes c 2 mm long.

* Where species names have changed, these have been matched according to herbarium specimens quoted in this publication.

Global distribution information: southern Africa includes southern Mozambique and southern Zimbabwe.
Restricted distribution has been based on an estimated extent of occurence of less than 100 000 km2 and/or an estimated area of occupancy of 100 km2, based on geo-referenced GBIF and iNaturalist data.

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