Fauna - Vertebrates

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Hyperthelia dissoluta
inflorescence    inflorescence    inflorescence    inflorescence    inflorescence   
leaf base   
(Hyparrhenia dissoluta)

Poaceae Panicoideae Andropogoneae Anthistiriinae

As at April 2024, 26 herbarium specimens, 2 photo records, 14 visual observations

South African Red List status: LC
Global Distribution: Also occurs outside southern Africa
Found within protected areas: Mlawula Malolotja
Other uses

Description (Compton's Flora of Swaziland*):
Hyparrhenia dissoluta - (Sibutane) Very tall, reaching 3—4 m high or even more, little branched, almost hairless, tufted. Stem yellow, enclosed in green leaf-sheaths. Spikelets light green, spathes very long and narrow; awns long, twisted, yellow, often intertwined; whole inflorescence may be 60 cm long, comparatively narrow, sparse and interrupted.

* Where species names have changed, these have been matched according to herbarium specimens quoted in this publication.

Global distribution information: southern Africa includes southern Mozambique and southern Zimbabwe.
Restricted distribution has been based on an estimated extent of occurence of less than 100 000 km2 and/or an estimated area of occupancy of 100 km2, based on geo-referenced GBIF and iNaturalist data.

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