(SiSwati: ingwenya)
Swaziland Red Data Status: Vulnerable
Southern African Red Data Status: Vulnerable
International Red Data Status: Least Concern 2019 IUCN Red List
Comments: Occurs in the middleveld, lowveld and Lubombo regions, being rare in the middleveld. In the Lubombo region the species occurs commonly in the major river gorges penetrating the Lubombo mountains.
48 records, from 2008/06/01 to 2020/02/25
Crocodylus niloticus on iNaturalist
Crocodylus niloticus in the Reptile Database
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Our Contacts:
Head Quarters: (+268) 2416 1489/1179
Email: info@sntc.org.sz
King Sobhuza II Park: (+268) 2416 1489/1179
Email: ksmp@sntc.org.sz
National Museum: (+268) 2416 1489/1179
Email: curator@sntc.org.sz
Malolotja Nature Reserve: (+268) 2444 3241 / (+268) 2416 1480
Email: culturalvillage@sntc.org.sz
Mantenga Nature Reserve and Swati Cultural Village: 2416 1151/1178
Email: culturalvillage@sntc.org.sz
Mlawula Nature Reserve: (+268) 2383 8885 (Reception)
(+268) 2383 8453 (Senior Warden)
Email: culturalvillage@sntc.org.sz
Magadzavane Lodge: (+268) 2343 5108/9
Email: magadzavane@sntc.org.sz