Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by siSwati name:
Mimusops obovata (Red Milkwood)
Canthium mundianum (Rock Alder)
Pachystigma macrocalyx (Crowned False Medlar)
Strychnos mitis (Yellow Bitterberry)
umphatsankhosi lomnyama
Strychnos usambarensis (Blue Bitterberry)
Tricalysia lanceolata (Jackal Coffee)
Clerodendrum glabrum var. glabrum (White Cat's Whiskers)
Clerodendrum ternatum (Blue Cat's Whiskers)
Boscia foetida (Stink Shepherd's Tree)
subsp. filipes
subsp. rehmanniana
Calpurnia aurea subsp. aurea (Wild Laburnum)
Calpurnia glabrata (Swazi Calpurnia)
Abrus spp.
Boscia albitrunca (Shepherd's Tree)
umphitsi lomncane
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