Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by siSwati name:
Combretum erythrophyllum (River Bushwillow)
Combretum hereroense (Russet Bushwillow)
Combretum kraussii (Forest Bushwillow)
Galpinia transvaalica (Wild Pride-of-India)
Erythrina spp.
Euphorbia tirucalli (Rubber Euphorbia)
Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata (White Pear)
Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata (White Pear)
Ipomoea obscura var. obscura (Morning Glory Plant)
Pentarrhinum abyssinicum (African Heartvine)
subsp. abyssinicum
subsp. angolense
Pergularia daemia var. daemia (Trellis Vine)
Ipomoea coscinosperma
Ipomoea plebeia subsp. africana
Ipomoea sinensis subsp. blepharosepala
umdzandzabuka wemahlatsi
Riocreuxia picta
Asclepias spp.
Ascolepis capensis
Xysmalobium asperum (Sandpaper Cartwheel)
Asclepias spp.
Asclepias albens (Cartwheels)
Trachycalymma buchwaldii (Cartwheels)
Trachycalymma buchwaldii (Bitter Wood)
Xysmalobium undulatum (Bitter Wood)
Zantedeschia spp.
Colocasia antiquorum * (Taro)
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S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
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