Fauna - Vertebrates


Lycaenidae Aphnaeinae  

Aloeides pierus - Dull copper

Aloeides swanepoeli - Swanepoel's copper

Chrysoritis aethon - Lydenburg opal

Cigaritis mozambica - Mozambique bar

Cigaritis natalensis - Natal bar

Lycaenidae Miletinae Lachnocnemini 

Thestor basutus basutus - Basuto skolly

Lycaenidae Polyommatinae Lycaenesthini 

Anthene definita definita - Common hairtail

Anthene livida livida - Pale hairtail

Lycaenidae Polyommatinae Polyommatini Incertae sedis

Actizera lucida - Rayed blue

Cacyreus fracta fracta - Water geranium bronze

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