Fauna - Vertebrates


Nymphalidae Nymphalinae Junoniini 

Precis antilope - Darker commodore

Precis archesia archesia - Garden commodore

Nymphalidae Satyrinae Satyrini Ypthimina

Coenyra hebe - Zulu shadefly

Pieridae Coliadinae  

Eurema brigitta brigitta - Broad-bordered grass yellow

Eurema hecabe solifera - Lowveld yellow

Eurema regularis - Angled grass yellow

Pieridae Pierinae Pierini Aporiina

Dixeia pigea - Ant-heap white

Pieridae Pierinae Pierini Appiadina

Afrodryas leda - Autumn leaf vagrant

Colotis annae annae - Scarlet tip

Colotis evagore antigone - Small orange tip

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