Fauna - Vertebrates
Rainforest brown

Eswatini Lepidoptera Checklist: Geometridae  Larentiinae  Xanthorhoini

Detailed information and distributions can be found in the Eswatini Invertebrates Database: Butterflies and Moths, photos/illustrations can be found in the Biodiversity Explorer: Butterflies and Moths.

   Gonanticlea meridionata        
   Haplolabida coaequata        
   Haplolabida inaequata        
   Mimoclystia explanata        
   Mimoclystia mermera        
   Mimoclystia pudicata pudicata        
   Mimoclystia undulosata        
   Orthonama obstipata obstipata        
   Polystroma subspissata        
   Xanthorhoe exorista        
   Xanthorhoe mimica        
   Xanthorhoe poseata        
   Xanthorhoe sp.        

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