Fauna - Vertebrates
Rainforest brown

Eswatini Lepidoptera Checklist: Nymphalidae  Satyrinae  Satyrini

Detailed information and distributions can be found in the Eswatini Invertebrates Database: Butterflies and Moths, photos/illustrations can be found in the Biodiversity Explorer: Butterflies and Moths.

   Cassionympha cassius     Rainforest brown   
   Coenyra hebe     Zulu shadefly    
   Neita extensa     Savanna brown   
   Neita neita     Neita Brown   
   Physcaeneura panda     Dark-webbed ringlet   
   Pseudonympha magoides     False silver-bottom brown   
   Pseudonympha poetula     Drakensberg brown    
   Stygionympha curlei     Curle's hillside brown   
   Stygionympha scotina scotina     Eastern hillside brown   
   Stygionympha wichgrafi wichgrafi     Wichgraf's hillside brown   
   Ypthima asterope asterope     African ringlet   
   Ypthima granulosa     Granular ringlet   
   Ypthima impura paupera     Impure ringlet   

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