Fauna - Vertebrates
Rainforest brown

Eswatini Lepidoptera Checklist: Cossidae  Zeuzerinae  

Detailed information and distributions can be found in the Eswatini Invertebrates Database: Butterflies and Moths, photos/illustrations can be found in the Biodiversity Explorer: Butterflies and Moths.

   Aethalopteryx obscurascens        
   Aethalopteryx obsoleta        
   Aethalopteryx rudloffi        
   Aethalopteryx tristis        
   Azygophleps boisduvalii        
   Azygophleps inclusa        
   Azygophleps leopardina        
   Azygophleps sponda        
   Eulophonotus hyalinipennis     Goat Moth   
   Oreocossus kilimanjarensis        
   Strigocossus capensis        
   Strigocossus crassa        
   Strigocossus elephas        

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