UPDATED CHECKLIST: An Adobe pdf version of the checklist as at December 2018 is available here (click to view/download - approx 10 MB).
View lists of Odonata: Dragonflies and Damselflies by eighth degree grid square
Tramea limbata
Ferruginous Glider
Possibly found in Eswatini
View photos in Biodiversity Explorer
Distribution: Throughout much of South Africa, but rare on highveld, and by far most common in coastal northern KwaZulu Natal. Tropical and sub-tropical Africa, especially coastal, and Western IndianOcean islands.
Body Length: 45-50 mm
Hind Wing Length: 38-42 mm
Habitat: Breeds in shallow pools and pans, but flies in humid, bushy country.
Flight Period: December to May, with occasional individuals in winter
Features: Fairly large, tapered abdomen, deep red and brown, with black abdominal tip, and rounded droplet-shaped, dark red, basal hindwing patches. Perches on tops of bushes and glides between trees, especially in coastal northern KwaZulu Natal.
Comments: Possible occurrence in Eswatini based on UCT-ADU OdonataMAP records adjacent to Swaziland.
Information extracted from "Dragonflies and Damselflies of South Africa" by Michael J Samways, which also includes detailed descriptions of each species.
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