Fauna - Vertebrates
Common Hooktail, Mlawula

UPDATED CHECKLIST: An Adobe pdf version of the checklist as at December 2018 is available here (click to view/download - approx 10 MB).

View lists of Odonata: Dragonflies and Damselflies by eighth degree grid square

Neurogomphus zambeziensis
      Zambezi Siphontail
   Possibly found in Eswatini

View photos in Biodiversity Explorer

Distribution: Very localised North of KwaZulu Natal and Kruger National Park. Not recorded in recent years. To C Africa.
Body Length: 45-48 mm
Hind Wing Length: 29-30 mm
Habitat: Tall grass and low bushes in vicinity of meandering reaches of rivers.
Flight Period: Dec-Apr
Features: Fairly large, green and dark brown striped, with slightly smoky wings, wide but short pterostigmas, distinctly clubbed abdominal tip from foliations on S8. Grassland adjacent to large rivers in hot, savanna areas.
Comments: Possible occurrence in Eswatini based on UCT-ADU OdonataMAP records adjacent to Swaziland.

map key

Information extracted from "Dragonflies and Damselflies of South Africa" by Michael J Samways, which also includes detailed descriptions of each species.

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