Compiled by Chris Long, © December 2005
SiSwati names and uses, arranged by alphabetically by botanical name:
Dalbergia | |
armata (Thorny Rope) licobhe, umcobhe, | |
Household: | Branchlets for basketry & calf muzzles |
melanoxylon (Zebra Wood) licobhe, | |
Timber: | Timber for construction. Useful wood but pieces often too small. |
Medicinal: | Roots & bark prepared to treat toothache |
obovata (Climbing Flatbean) umzungulu, | |
Cultural: | Roots provide Zulu love charm. Ancestral communication aid. |
Household: | Stems for fishing baskets, handicrafts, stools & sticks. Bark for twine. |
Medicinal: | Bark preparation for sore mouths & stomachs in babies. Cures boils. |
Dolichos | |
angustifolius | |
Food: | Roots are eaten in Lesotho. |
Drypetes | |
arguta (Water Ironplum) umkaswane, umkhashwane, | |
Household: | Hard wood good for sticks and hut building. |
Food: | Edible fruit can also be used to make an intoxicating liquor. |
gerrardii (Forest Ironplum) umhlwakela, umhlwakele, | |
Honey: | Nectar source for bees. |
Household: | Hard, white wood used for sticks. |
Food: | Edible fruit. |
var. gerrardii | |
mossambicensis | |
Food: | Edible fruit |
Dalechampia | |
capensis (Wild Hop) imbabatane, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal |
Deinbollia | |
oblongifolia (Dune Soapberry) igololenkawu, intisamasimu, iphengulula, iqinisamasimu, maqinisa, umuthiwezi-thutha, | |
Household: | Seeds used for making soap. |
Medicinal: | Root preparation used for stomach problems. Bark for headaches. |
Food: | Leaves can be eaten as spinach. Fruit may be a famine food. |
Dodonaea | |
viscosa (Common Sand Olive) iheji, liheji, | |
Timber: | Fencing |
Soil Conservation: | Sometimes used to consolidate sand and reclaim marshes |
Medicinal: | Root infusion for common cold. Leaf decoction for rheumatism. |
Food: | Seeds are edible. |
Dombeya umhlonyana, | |
burgessiae (Pink Wild Pear) libundza, | |
Household: | Handicrafts. Fruit baskets & thatching twine made from bark fibre. |
cymosa (Smooth Dombeya) licibo, umwuwane, | |
Timber: | Trunk and branches used for construction. |
Household: | Wood used for spear shafts & ornaments. |
pulchra (Silver Dombeya) libuka, libundza, | |
Household: | Handicrafts. Fruit baskets made from bark fibre |
Medicinal: | Leaves & stem for glaucoma. Roots for sexual immaturity. |
rotundifolia (Common Wild Pear) nhliziyo, nhliziyonkhulu, umbikanyaka, umuwane, umwane, umwuwane, | |
Timber: | Wood is used for mine props, poles & timber. |
Cultural: | To cleanse body of evil spirits. |
Household: | Inner bark used for twine. Wood for furniture, bows & implement handles |
Medicinal: | Bark treats intestinal ulcers, vomiting and fainting. Leaves for headaches. Roots for a general purgative. Medicinal for heart problems. |
Food: | Edible fruits. |
var. rotundifolia | |
Dovyalis emabambane, | |
caffra (Kei-apple) ntapane, sangongongo, | |
Cultural: | Pegs reinforce hut protection given by Gardenia cornuta & Vagueria spp. |
Fodder: | Fodder - useful tree for stock or game farms. |
Food: | Edible fruit. Excellent jams & jellies. High vitamin C content. |
lucida (Glossy Sour Berry) ingcengane, sangongongo, umnyazuma, | |
Medicinal: | Leaves used to treat high blood pressure and diabetes. |
Food: | Edible fruit but sour. |
rhamnoides (Common Sourberry) mabambana, umabambambane, umnyazuma, | |
Food: | Tasty edible fruit also used for preserves and wine. |
zeyheri (Wild Apricot) mabambana, umabambane, umnyazuma, | |
Food: | Edible but sour fruit eaten raw or made into a jelly. |
Dais | |
cotinifolia (Pompom Tree) pum, pum pum, | |
cotinifolia (Pompon Tree) intfocwane, | |
Dyes: | Bark contains tannin. |
Firewood: | Firewood |
Household: | Bark plaited to make strong ropes. |
Medicinal: | Medicinal. Wide variety of uses. |
Dissotis | |
canescens (Ordeal Bean) dinganezwe, dzinganezwe, erkhambi lemfula, likhambi lemfula, sichobochobo, | |
Medicinal: | Medicinal. Roots for dysentary, hangovers & heartburn. |
Food: | Eaten as a vegetable as a famine food |
princeps (Royal Dissotis) sichobochobo, umpongamponga, | |
Medicinal: | Roots are medicinal for dysentary. |
Food: | Eaten as a vegetable as a famine food |
var. candolleana | |
var. princeps | |
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